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Reminder: Project Echo’s “Bat Fun Day”:

Posted 13 years ago    0 comments

Reminder: Project Echo’s “Bat Fun Day”

Saturday 10 March 2012, 10am - 12 noon

Hammond Park, Riverlea, Hamilton

Take a daylight tour of Hamilton’s best-kept secret - where long-tailed bats play at night, wetas creep in the undergrowth, eels slither through tunnels and glowworms sparkle like stars... not forgetting big-eyed noctural predators!

But what happens during the daytime?

Humans: come out to celebrate, and do your bit for our wild nightlife. Come see remaining bat houses erected by specialised arborists, plant your own eco-sourced seedlings, and get creative in a batty kind of way.

BYO picnic and sun block.

See attached flyer for more information.

Bat Fun Day.pdf



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