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Volunteering Waikato Strategic Plan registration deadline; Waiwhakareke Potting and Weeding Morning; HOGS on Facebook; Chatham Island Forget-Me-Not Seeds available

Posted 12 years, 12 months ago    1 comment

Volunteering Waikato Strategic Plan

Last chance to register to attend the consultation workshop

10am - 12pm Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Community Waikato, 33 Victoria Street, Hamilton

The Board of Volunteering Waikato reviews its Strategic Plan later this year and are seeking input from its stakeholders to learn how they can improve their services to meet your needs, and how changes in your organisation over the next 5 years may inform how they work with you.

Coffee/tea available 9.45am, start promptly 10am. Light lunch will be supplied.

If unable to attend, a report of the meeting will be circulated for input, however your participation in the facilitated workshop offers the best opportunity to obtain your valuable input.

 RSVP by 21 March 2012 to manager@volunteeringwaikato.org.nz


Friends of Waiwhakareke

Potting and Weeding Morning

9am-12noon Friday 23 March 2012

Tamahere Gully Nursery,  Devine Road, Tamehere (next to Tamahere Primary School Hall)

Bring morning tea and willing friends!

Queries to Catherine Smith 07 8558296 or 2smiths@wave.co.nz


Hamilton Organic Farmers (HOGS) are now on Facebook

If you are a Facebook user, look them up. You are welcome to use their Facebook page to ask questions, share gardening tips, stories, dilemmas....    www.facebook.com/pages/Hamilton-Organic-Gardeners


Here at Waikato Environment Centre we have a limited number of

Chatham Island Forget-Me-Not Seeds

available to anyone who'd like to try growing this gorgeous flowering native.



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