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Posted 13 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Working Bee this Saturday 9th April, rain or shine!

Come and have a look and lend a hand, The aim of the day is to remove undesirable weed material from the gully reserve. This will enable natural regeneration of the native understorey to the existing of canopy of native trees, mostly planted and cared for by Dr Alwyn Seeley over the last 45 years.
Parking is available on Armagh and Argyle St as well as on Hamilton Boys High School Grounds off the end of Argyle St.

Meet end of Armagh St at 9 am for intro and briefing. Sausage and drinks at 12.30

The task The plan for the day is to remove as much as possible of the weeds, mainly Tradescantia (wandering jew/) some convolvulus and also some ivy. We are aiming to remove 60 tonnes of weeds, raise the profile of the area and generate support for ongoing restoration and improvements to the area; a model restoration to inspire new restorers

Hope to see you there, please bring fine weather as well as gardening gloves, gumboots (it is wet and muddy!), rakes, forks (for loading), wheelbarrows and sack barrows (for moving garden bags). We will also follow up this working bee in a few weeks with a tour and education day so will keep you posted

Tim Newton

Gully Restoration Officer
Parks & Gardens
Hamilton City Council
DDI 07 838 6878
Email tim.newton@hcc.govt.nz
Website: www.hamilton.co.nz


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