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Mangaiti Gully Working Bee; Hamilton Organic Gardeners meeting - "Weeds"

Posted 13 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Mangaiti Gully Working Bee

This Saturday 15 October 2011

Meeting at the foot bridge (between St James Drive and Grenache Place, Huntington, Hamilton) carrying out follow-up weeding in areas already cleared. This is generally light work requiring only secateurs, although a hand fork or trowel may be useful. Gumboots and gardening gloves are a must. Bring something for your morning tea!I

To get involved, register via gullyrestoration@gmail.com.

Co ordinators Rex Bushell 07 854 0973 or Rod Lugton 07 855 9966. Further details: http://gullyrestoration.blogspot.com/


Hamilton Organic Gardeners meeting - "Weeds"

7:30pm Monday 17 October 2011

Fairfield/Chartwell Community House, Te Whare o Te Ata, 60a Sare Crescent, Fairfield, Hamilton

Talking about weeds – the good, the bad and the edible. Bring some along to identify. All welcome. Gold coin entry. Bring along any plants, seedlings, seeds, produce to swap on the donations table or sell on the sales table.

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