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Reminder - Monday's Very Important Meeting

Posted 15 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Government climate change target consultation meeting

Monday 13 July, 7.30 - 9.30 pm
Waikato Room, SkyCity Hamilton
346 Victoria St, Hamilton

If you need any convincing that climate change is something we need to be taking seriously read this article from Australia:
Deadly warning as tropics advance

you can register online

Or just come to the meeting!
You probably know that the Climate Change summit in Copenhagen in December is a crucial forum- some are calling it the most important of all time for the near term future of our planet- as it is there that international action on climate change, a successor to Kyoto will be agreed upon.

 350ppm is currently being touted as the 'safe' figure for global atmospheric CO2 (we're currently at 387). The emissions reduction target over the next decade to get us back on track for 350 is 40% by 2020- its important that our government know how strongly the NZ public feels about this issue.

 This is from Lucy Lawless:

Hundreds of people have turned up to the Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin target consultations in the past few days.

Please spread the word that the government wants to hear your views at the Hamilton consultation meeting Monday. The consultations do not seem to be well publicised ahead of time so word of mouth is key.
I had to rush to the Auckland one straight from work on set, wig and all. I was glad to be there. It was fascinating, frustrating and dramatic. I highly recommend it as a night out!
To National's Minister for the environment, Dr Nick Smith, we delivered a very strong message that a 40% carbon reduction by 2020 is the only acceptable goal. This is in line with what scientists are now telling us is the minimum target for staving off global catastrophe.

For about 40 minutes Dr Smith was reasonably impressive with his presentation and bar graphs and then he dropped what for me was a clanger. He responded to one question that no, he would not oppose digging up Happy Valley in order to sell coal to India because, let's face it, they'd just get it from somewhere else! I am paraphrasing but that was the gist of it.

It seems that this government does have a moral compass. And on it Business points North. Thus, it is VITAL that as many business people as possible show up and impress upon our minister and our international negotiators, Tim Groser and Adrian Macey, the opportunities that green business models will afford us. Tell us your success stories.

Tell them what degradation of the environment and climate will cost your business.
And bring your friends. We need all hands on deck. If Germany and Scotland can set emission reduction goals of 40% and 42%, we can too.
We have a great deal of know how. What we lack presently is political will and policy.
Let's give our Prime Minister the mandate to seek the necessary 40% reduction by 2020.
No one ever won gold by setting the bar at a comfortable height.
We can do this!

Yours truly,
Lucy Lawless

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