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Posted 15 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

29th August Reminder - This Saturday morning

9 - 12 Friends of Waiwhakareke (Horseshoe Lake)
working morning, meet Baverstock Road sign. This is the first of a regular monthly working morning, last Saturday of the month, so come along, bring a spade, gloves, gumboots might be good this week. for more info http://www.waiwhakareke.co.nz/index.php

5th September - Sustainable Building Workshop No 2

Ben Thompson, Kapiti Coast District Council Water Use Coordinator, will look at ways to reduce your water usage in the home, how to harvest and store rainwater for domestic water usage or garden usage, onsite disposal of grey and black water, and reed bed gardens. Representatives from local authorities will discuss what is practical and permitted in their relevant areas.

$20 per person

Anyone interested in attending please contact Megan Edmeades
grEEnme Environmental Education Services
M 021 414 529
P 07 884 6825
E greenme@xtra.co.nz

Cafe Scientifique

Tuesday 8th September

The role of nature in our cities and towns
presented by NZ Association for Environmental Education
7.30 at The Bank corner Victoria and Hood Sts.

Today’s increasingly urban lifestyles mean that many people are losing their connection to the natural environment. Urban development often seems to focus on maximising economic return ahead of quality of life. These imperatives lead us to question the importance of incorporating natural spaces in our urban landscapes, and to consider what compromises we can seek to get a balance between economics, community and our environment.
This second Green Cafe will examine these issues by bringing three leading Hamilton experts together to discuss the environmental, social and economic aspects of urban development.
Our speakers are: Associate Professor Bruce Clarkson, Department of Biological Science and The University of Waikato who will discuss the environmental aspects using examples of Waiwhakareke (Horseshoe Lake) and Hamilton gullies. Tim Newton, Environmental Policy Advisor (Strategic Group) at Hamilton City Council who will discuss the social aspects using the Hamilton gully system as an example. Gerry Kessels, Consulting Ecologist, Kessels and Associates who will discuss the economic aspects drawing on his experience of consulting on large infrastructure and residential development projects.

For more information see attached poster or for info about future Cafés in Hamilton, contact Tina Lewis
Phone 838 4625, e-mail science@waikato.ac.nz

Green Cafe Scientifique Sept 8.pdf

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