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Posted 11 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Saturday 6th July
Tree crops sale tomorrow morning!

Wet or fine, 9.30 to 1pm in the Camellia Carpark at Hamilton Gardens.(Gate 2)

Monday July 8th

Waikato Botanical Society talk

At Waikato Environment Centre at 25 Ward Street from 5.30 - 7 pm.

For those able to stay on to continue the discussion we will go for a meal to a nearby restaurant afterwards

TOPIC - Can we turn back the clock? Managing mangrove expansion in northern New Zealand

Dr Carolyn Lundquist (NIWA)


While mangroves are indigenous, and an integral part of functioning estuaries in northern New Zealand, rapid expansion of mangrove forests has occurred in recent decades, resulting in widespread support for estuarine restoration projects focusing on mangrove removals.   Carolyn will discuss methods of mangrove management, and recovery trajectories at numerous mangrove removal sites to identify physical and biological attributes of sites that are associated with limited (or fast) recovery, and minimal adverse impacts. Within a challenging and politically vibrant topic, her research programme is informing the ‘mangrove debate’ with science to create better outcomes for estuarine health.

Introducing Carolyn
Carolyn Lundquist is a marine ecologist at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) in Hamilton, New Zealand. She has recently concluded a 2 year secondment with the Department of Conservation.

Contact Cynthia Roberts  T: +64 7 858 1034 |  croberts@doc.govt.nz


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