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Restoration Updates for Working Groups

Posted 10 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

All of these groups welcome new members. If you are unsure who to contact for further information or to find a group close by  please email : admin@envirocentre.org.nz 

Please note NZ Tree Project Information

The New Zealand Tree Project will this March be in Pureora Forest to photograph an entire rimu tree in the style of the National Geographic redwood portraits:http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/redwoods/gatefold-image


The project team, led by Catherine Kirby (author of the Field Guide to NZ's Epiphytes, Vines & Mistletoes) is seeking donations from people who might like to be a part of the wider team and help get the project off the ground. They are requesting donations of $5 to $500 with many rewards on offer. There is lots more to this exciting project so see the attached poster and visit their website for more information:



Catherine Kirby


There has been a new posting on Mangaiti Gully Restoration Group news letter blog site.


• More Pork Nesting

• Fire in Gully

• 2014 Awards

• A local Tui on You Tube

• Skink habitat sanctuary


Click here to view:http://gullyrestoration.blogspot.com/


Waikato Biodiversity Forum Report November 2014

Please find this report attached

4251_Waikato Biodiversity Forum report November 2014 -2-1-1.pdf

Waiwhakareke Friends

The first working bee for Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park this year.

Saturday 28 February 2015 - We will be weeding.

9am - midday

Meet in the carpark opposite the Zoo on Brymer Road.

We will be releasing/stomping the weeds from previous plantings. Best to bring gloves to wear and most importantly bring morning tea. Look forward to seeing you on Saturday morning.


Cheers Moira Co-convenor of Friends of Waiwhakareke


Riverlea Environment Society

It's been a bit quiet so far this year, but it's time to get cracking again! I'm feeling as passionate as ever about keeping Riverlea as a great place to live, and making it even better, especially by improving Hammond Bush. It is such a treasure.

Some of you will have received a letter about the boardwalk maintenance that's starting on Monday. Basically bits of it are rotting and will be replaced. Hamilton City Council is funding it. From Mon 9th until the 20th Feb, the section from the Malcolm St end to the Hudson St dip will be closed from 7 am to 6 pm.

From 23rd Feb - 6th March, the stretch between the Hudson St dip and the Balfour Cresc end of the boardwalk will be closed, for the same hours.


Twilight working bees will resume this Wednesday. (Well, 5.30-6.30 isn't exactly twilight at the moment, but twilight sounds better.) We'll be yanking out weeds in a shady area. Wear gloves, and bring secateurs or loppers if you can. Long sleeves help protect arms, too. These are fun quick working bees that give you a mid-week dose of nature.


Kind regards



Tamahere Gully Care Nursery

Hello fellow potters

We will be working at Tamahere Gully Care Nursery this coming Friday 13th February from 9am-12noon. Hope to see you there.

Any queries ring me on 078558296 or my email is <blchsmiths@gmail.com>

Don't forget morning tea!


Catherine Smith


Waikato Botanical Society Members,

This is an initial email regarding a trip to Table Mountain, Feb 27 to March 1. Please email Kevin Carter (kcarter@doc.govt.nz) to register interest. A few more details below, with more to follow soon.

Our first trip of the year will be to Table Mountain, a high plateau on the Coromandel, home to a fascinating assemblage of plants that you will rarely see elsewhere. The plateau is a bog and is difficult to move around in, a good level of fitness will be required. The plan is to meet in the Kauaeranga Valley on Friday evening, Feb 27, then travel to Moss Creek Campsite where we will be based for Saturday night, returning on Sunday March 1. There may be the opportunity to fly an advance party to the campsite by helicopter, allowing more time for surveying the plateau, with the cost partially subsidized by DOC and the Society. For the rest of us it will be a three hour walk to Moss Creek.




Mike Clearwater

School of Science

University of Waikato

Private Bag 3105

Hamilton 3240

New Zealand





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