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Retrofit workshop this saturday

Posted 16 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Please forward this to anyone you know who may be interested

There are still spaces left for the  second series of Sustainable Urban Design Workshops for 2008 which kicks off this Saturday 9th August.


Venue - WINTEC

With Hamilton already having a large stock of houses, this workshop looks into incorporating sustainable building techniques and application into an existing home to make it a healthier and warmer home, and cheaper to run.

To register for this workshop please contact the Hamilton Environment Centre now on 839 4452 to secure your place. Please pass this on to anyone who you feel would be interested.

SUD workshops are brought to you by a collaborative effort between various agencies with the aim of contributing towards a sustainable future for Hamilton through exploring designs that improve comfort and health, reduce natural resource consumption and save money.

Upcoming Workshops Include:

Sept 13 - Water Efficiency Workshop

Oct 11 - Solar/Wind/PV Workshop

Nov 8 & 9 - Home Eco-Design Workshop

Registrations are also being taken for these through the Hamilton Environment Centre.
Price - $25 - you will need to bring ID ie. Drivers Licence
Visit www.hamilton.co.nz/sud for more information.


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