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Volunteers Needed for River Planting / Sirocco Coming Soon

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Request for Planting  Volunteers from Waikato River Trail Trust

We are looking for volunteers to assist with planting from mid July to late August this year.

Waikato River Trail Trust has a large planting project covering sites which include the Huihuitaha Wetland; Whakamaru and Mangakino areas, and along the Pokaiwhenua Stream.  These places are part of  the 100km of river trails in the South Waikato and Taupo district.

This project will enhance the biodiversity of the Waikato River, reduce sediment and nutrient outflow into the river, and provide cover and habitat for further animal species.

For further information please contact Glyn Wooller 078833720 or gwooller@waikatorivertrails.com


Sirocco the Kākāpō is Coming Soon!

Sirocco will be on Maungatautari and ready for his first visitors on 18 August.  Bookings can now be made on Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust's (MEIT) website www.maungatrust.org   (follow the Kākāpō logo).

The parrot's visit is only for six weeks and provides what may be a once in a lifetime opportunity for many people as this bird species is critically endangered - there are only 126 kākāpō left in the world. 

His reputation precedes him as an amazing and entertaining bird, as well as a high profile ambassador for kākāpō recovery.  New Zealand’s first official spokesbird has more than 11,000 fans on Facebook!

Many supporters have been asking how they can help or get involved, so here are a few ways in which you may be able to assist us to make this a very successful event.

  • Forward this email on to your friends, family, corporate or other contacts
  •  Place a link on your website to our Sirocco page
  •  Ask for a supply of Sirocco brochures for display in your business or other location
  • Print out a copy of the attached poster for display in your business or other outlet
  • Use our Kākāpō logo below on your email signature
  • Set up a retail promotion or display
  • Become a sirocco ambassador (just give us a call and we will let you know how)
  • Other ideas – please let us know!

To make your bookings visit www.maungatrust.org. Many businesses are also keen to reward their staff or clients by booking a larger group of say 10 or preferably 25 (a full quota) . If you would like to do this please phone Cathy on (07) 823 7455.

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