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RPS presentation 26th January

Posted 14 years ago    0 comments

Please forward this to all members of your group or organisation.
Submissions are due on the 28th January, 4pm.

Come along to a presentation at the Environment Centre on the proposed Regional Policy Statement on Wednesday 26 January at 5.30 pm by Environment Waikato Programme Manager, Blair Dickie, and Waikato Regional Councillor, Paula Southgate. There will be a brief presentation, followed by discussion / questions.

Have you ever wondered why councils have particular policies or rules? In some cases, it's because of a planning tool called the Regional Policy Statement (RPS). Councils are directly influenced by the RPS, so it ultimately has a bearing on what they do to enhance the environment, and what you or your business can do when you use the region's resources.

The Proposed Waikato Regional Policy Statement (RPS), which was notified on 3 November 2010, identifies the region's significant resource management issues for the Waikato region. It sets out through objectives, policies and methods how air, biodiversity, coastal environments, freshwater, geothermal resources, landscapes, land and soils will be managed in ways that provide for the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to provide for their needs.

For information on the proposed RPS, including the background document, From the Mountains to the Sea, see the home page on Environment Waikato website - www.ew.govt.nz.

Hard copies of the proposed RPS are available at council offices and libraries,  and in the Enviornment Centre. Submissions can be made online.


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