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Sad News

Posted 17 years ago    0 comments

This message has come from Rainbow Valley Farm, the home of Joe Palaischer, for me one of the most inspiring sustainability proponents in New Zealand. Many of us have visited RVF, attended a course or heard Joe talking down here and are always impressed with his down to earth good sense, and we remain in awe of what he and Trish achieved on their incredible permaculture property.  Our sympathy to Trish and family.

Dear friends

We're sorry to have to let you know that Joe Polaischer  died this morning, 14/02/08, at Rainbow Valley farm. He was with Trish and he went very peacefully around 3.30am.

Joe's funeral will be on SATURDAY 16TH FEB at 2.00pm, at the Matakana
 Pony Club on Matakana Valley Rd, Matakana. There will be a gathering after the
 burial at the Matakana Hall. Please bring a plate and a bottle.

 As this is very short notice, the family would appreciate your help in  passing this information on to anyone you think may like to be there. We would love to see as many of you as possible there; we know there are many who would like to join us in celebration of an extraordinary life.

We realise that there will be people from all around the world who would like to attend but won't be able to make it.  If you wish to  respond with messages please use this address:  friends.of.rvf@gmail.com 

If you would like to send a message to be read out at or displayed at the funeral or after-gathering we ask that you keep it short - one sentence or no more than a text message in length.  For these please put "Please Convey this Message" in the subject line as this will make it much easier to sort out the many messages we anticipate in the short time until then.  We will do our best to share these messages where possible.

Best regards

Ron Sperber
On behalf of Friends of Rainbow Valley Farm

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