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Situation Vacant

Posted 13 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Custodian position available - Te Kauri Lodge, Kawhia

We have a unique opportunity for someone who may be contemplating a change of lifestyle, and who perhaps would be keen to spend a year or two living in the beautiful bush surroundings of Te Kauri Park Scenic reserve at Oparau, near Kawhia – less than 1 hour drive from Hamilton.

For lodge details see http://www.junats.org.nz/lodge.php

The Custodian position is open now and would ideally suit a retired or semi-retired couple with an interest in the bush and conservation, and with excellent customer relations and general handy-person skills. Some computer skills are also required. This is a live-in position with a 3-bedroom house provided on site for the successful applicant.

If you are interested in this position, or if you know of any other suitable candidates, please contact Mike Safey 07 855 1242 or Dave Matthews 07 846 4013, or email safey@clear.net.nz for further details and perhaps arrange a visit out to the Lodge.

We are keen to fill this position quickly to allow plenty of time for a smooth hand-over and to maintain a high standard of service and hospitality for our guests.

Mike Safey
Club President
Hamilton Junior Naturalist Club Inc. (Junats)


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