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Small Animals And Orchards: Your Chance to See This in Action!

Posted 8 years, 7 months ago    0 comments



When: August 13th, 2016 

Time: 9 am- 5 pm,

Where: Raglan

Cost $135 ( discounted for WEC members)

This module can also be credited towards a Permaculture Design Certificate

Rick and Liz have been developing their small farm in Whaingaroa, Raglan for the past decade. They combine permaculture principles with the skills and wisdom learned from their travels in the Pacific . This allows them to grow food for their family and friends as well as provide a surplus to trade locally.


Garden/orchard management, soil management using small animals, integrated pest management and the practicalities of food forest design and maintenance is the focus of this workshop. This programme takes all learning styles into consideration with hands on experience and some quick fire activities to recap the permaculture design principles; especially for those who have an interest in developing their own properties towards sustainable food supply.

An adventurous zone game is included which the participants enjoy taking part in, come on and join us!

RSVP to Jan  admin@envirocentre.org.nz




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