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Spring is here and it's all happening!

Posted 9 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Waikato Community Garden Network Meeting

Friday the 23rd of October, 10am-12pm.

Meet at the Community Garden, Cnr of Ross Crescent  and  Holland Rd, Hamilton.  Delon Birch will provide a tour of the garden and talk about his experiences of building community. This will be followed by a cup of tea and  shared morning tea at the at the Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Rd, Hamilton.

Contact Anna for more information - anna@envirocentre.org.nz


Waikato Botanical Society - Field Trip to Opuatia this Saturday

A field trip to Opuatia is on this Saturday, meet 9am Landcare carpark. Trip leader Catherine Beard cbeard@doc.govt.nz  (07) 858 1034 (wk.) or 027 337 4337

Opuatia Wetland is always a great place for botanising and we’ll be going there during peak orchid time. Expect to see several types of greenhood orchids including the nationally critical Pterostlyis micromega. If we have time we will also explore the small peat lake within the wetland.

Please let Catherine know if you are planning on coming. More details at http://waikatobotsoc.org.nz/?tribe_events=opuatia-wetland



10 am Friday 20th to 4pm Sunday 22 November 2015

Join us for 3 days of adventures in nature connection for mind, body and soul,with an off-grid lodge, hot pool, fire, massage and delicious food.

Reserve your place now by contacting liana.stupples@gmail.com or phone 021 154 6034.


National Wetland Restoration Symposium 2016 – Call for presentations.

The organisers of the symposium are keen to hear from you if you have a message to share from your experiences in

  • restoring, creating or managing a wetland,
  • developing policies or educating people about wetlands,
  • advancing our understanding of wetland science, or
  • developing tools or methods to improve how we restore, manage, or monitor the biodiversity, cultural, recreational or environmental values of wetlands.

Wetlands include fresh or salt water wetlands, lakes and their margins, braided rivers, lagoons, geothermal wetlands, swamps and bogs.

Abstracts are due 30 October 2015

Visit www.wetlandtrust.org.nz for more information


Give A Little for Kaivolution

Our first Kaivolution van has maxed out and we need another van and van driver to ensure that we can rescue all the good food that is available before it goes to the landfill. With 60,000 kilos of food rescued since Kaivolutions inception in October last year, food donations are coming in thick and fast. Donations of food are also likely to increase in the spring and summer when there is an abundance of delicious Waikato fruits and vegetables.

Lots of food will be available for rescue right before the holiday period and we need another van so that we can collect it and redistribute it to those in need. It makes no sense to throw good food away just because we don't have the capacity to collect it!

Rescuing food that is "good enough to eat but not good enough to sell" is not only good for our environment, but also good for those in need. Another Kaivolution van and van driver will ensure that more good food is rescued. Rather than being discarded to landfill, all the food that Kaivolution rescues will feed those in need.


Free Awe Inspiring Movie Night for Environmental Volunteers - Planetary

Friday 6th of November, 7pm at Creative Waikato, 131 Alexandra St, Hamilton. 

This fun movie night, with pop corn and ice-cream, is part of the Environment Centre's Conservation Week Celebratory Art Exhibition - Ko au te whenua, ko te whenua ko au. I am the land, the land is me. 

Check out this webpage for more details.

Please book in with Jan for the movie - admin@envirocentre.org.nz

Free for volunteers, $10 for everyone else. 



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