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Streamcare working bee, Green drinks Courses for 2009,

Posted 16 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Streamcare working bee
Just a reminder that there is a working bee with the Mangakotukutuku Stream Care group next weekend.
see link http://www.streamcare.org.nz/
3:00-4:30 pm 13 December - Weeding; meet at Waterford Rd entrance


Green Drinks reminder - this Friday at the Cook in Hamilton East, from 5.30pm.


Wanted - possum teeth
A science student doing a masters at University is wanting possum teeth - 3 - 10 possums per region. If you can help please contact Katherine at the Environment Centre.



Good Life Expo
Register now, stall spaces filling up rapidly, or put it in your diary now so you don't miss it.
Earlybird rates for trade before end of December.
Being held on the 28th February 2009, in conjunction with the Hamilton Gardens Festival.
Linda Hallinan speaking, interesting sustainable trade stalls and workshops, chooks, goats, alpacas etc, great family day.
Contact Cheryl, 834 2249



Climate Change Adaptation

This is a graduate paper we are running called Climate Change Adaptation (ENVS522), which will be offered again in Semester A, 2009.

The University of Waikato online Calendar has further enrolment information at: http://www.waikato.ac.nz/student/.
There will be a series of guest lectures by experts in the field of climate change and adaptation, and from IGCI (12 lectures in all); plus a 3-day intensive lab session (April 16th-18th,09 focusing on integrated assessment modelling); and internal assessment. Places are restricted to 16 students and enrolment has now begun.

Liza P. Storey
Research Officer
International Global Change Institute (IGCI)
University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105
Hamilton, New Zealand
Ph: +64 7 838 4466 extn 7607
Fax: +64 7 858 5689
website: www.waikato.ac.nz/igci


Organic Gardening
March 18th to April 8th

Presented by the Hamilton Permaculture Trust
Wednesday mornings 10 to 12 noon
Wednesday evenings 6 to 8pm
Held at Waimarie Community House, 53 Wellington St, Hamilton East.
Enquiries and bookings phone Cheryl 834 2249
Learn the basics of planning your garden site to maintaining a well balanced vegetable garden. Covers composting and wormfarming, natural pest control, companion planting, rotational planting, seed saving and lunar planting.


Rongoa Maori - traditional Maori medicine









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