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Lectures coming up, HCC Open Space consulation

Posted 11 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Wednesday 31 July

from 1-2 pm in S1.03 at University of Waikato

Not yet the End of the World: Political Cultures of Creation and the Global Youth Climate Justice Movement

Professor John Foran

Abstract: This talk will introduce the visions and actions of the youth component of the global climate justice movement, based on fieldwork undertaken at the COPs (Conference of the Parties to the UNFCC) in Durban 2011 and Doha 2012. Featuring interviews, still photos, and video, it will explore the contours of this movement and attempt to portray it in a reading of its own words and deeds – the talk will examine the strengths and weaknesses, problems and prospects of this new movement, and suggest that it’s not yet the end of the world.

John Foran is Professor of Sociology and Environmental Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara and Co-director of the International Institute of Climate Action and Theory (www.iicat.org).

For more information, please contact Dr Priya Kurian – pkurian@waikato.ac.nz

Wednesday 7th August

Hamilton City Council Draft Open Space Plan

Between 2pm and 7pm at The Verandah Cafe, Hamilton Lake Domain.
Hamilton City Council Parks and Open Spaces Unit has been working on a draft Hamilton City Open Space Plan. This plan sets out a 50-year strategic direction to guide future planning, development and management of Hamilton’s open spaces.

As part of our consultation on this project we are hosting an open day Wednesday, 7 August. The open day is an opportunity for representatives of stakeholder groups and members of the community to learn about the draft Open Space Plan, discuss and provide feedback to staff. We will have a range of summarised information on display, along with feedback forms for your comments.

Have a look a the draft plan HCC Draft Open Space Plan,  and you can submit online  here

If you have any queries please contact Renee McMillan, senior planner, on renee.mcmillan@hcc.govt.nz.

Saturday 17th August
Conservationists to speak at Pukawa Bay

Two lectures to be given by Professor Charles Daugherty, Professor of Ecology and Assistant Vice-Chancellor Research at Victoria University

And Dr Kelly Hare, a conservation scientist at Victoria University Wellington
to be held at the Conference Room, Oreti Time Share Pukawa off Pukawa Road, on Saturday August 17 2013. commencing at 11 a.m.

Charles’ lecture will be discussing why all New Zealanders have a stake in predator control.
“Miaoschwitz Cats and the Pest Free New Zealand Initiative”, explores the feasibility of a New Zealand with no mammal pests and the particular role that cat management needs to play.

Kelly’s lecture “Reconnecting People with Nature” will present the inspiring story of how Wellington organisations are working together to reconnect Wellingtonians with nature. Kelly will discuss how biophilia (a love of nature) and citizen science projects are raising community awareness and engagement with nature with the ultimate outcome of creating healthy living spaces for humans and our native wildlife within urban settings. The use of these ideas to support the Zealandia “Halo” project will be presented in more detail.

Admission charge: Fifteen dollars per head.This will cover a light lunch and small donation to the Pukawa Wildlife Trust. Please register at the bar on arrival. R S V P: by August 14th 2013 to Jean Stanley
Text: 027 504 982 E-Mail: genie02@orcon.net.nz Phone: 07-386-7647

Monorail in Fiordland

If you disagree with the monorail sign the petition here

Online petition: http://chn.ge/13F8COR

For more information and reasons why this is not a good idea go to www.savefiordland.org.nz

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