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Submissions due

Posted 14 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

There are a few submissions due:

1. Due 30th April - EW Draft Annual Plan
- click on the link for info and online submission form if you haven't already had your say - it has been set out so it is easy to see what the regional council is wanting feedback about. You can put your own comments in as well.
Also always good to put in comments in support of increasing public transport options, increasing bus services, and that EW should be supporting the train to Auckland.
Environment Waikato Draft Annual Plan

Here are some suggestions from Moira Cursey from the Biodiversity Forum, so they are mainly around biodiversity. All I would add to that is to support the funding to be allocated to surf life saving. Not particlularly environmental I know, but such a great service to support, and it's only a few cents each.

Annual Health Board Levy
There are biodiversity spin offs in supporting EW continuing to collect the levy on behalf of the AHB of $650,000 a year from rural ratepayers on properties 2hectares and above. There is no other process in place to collect this levy at present.

West Coast Rivers and Harbour Support
There are biodiversity spin offs from supporting the specific targeted rate to contribute to integrated river and catchment work and services for the west coast. This will bring the west coast in line with the other catchment zones as well as giving local people a say in the work that is carried out in their district. The west coast area has high biodiversity value and a catchment management work will benefit biodiversity. Suggest supporting option 2 with the rate collected 50% from per property rate and 50% based on capital value.

 Additional Pest Funding in North Waikato
Environment Waikato propose additional pest funding of $540,000 (over 3 years) for work in the North Waikato to include the Pukekawa, Te Kohanga and Onewhero areas. This will increase biodiversity protection in these areas.

 Investment Fund
You could flag that as the Investment Fund improves, money is returned to projects, such as the Natural Heritage Fund and the EIF which were reduced in the LTCCP.

2. Due 4th May - Mining
Mining submissions - http://www.forestandbird.org.nz/mining

3. HCC - Intention to Prepare a Draft Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park Management Plan (Reserves Act 1977)  Now is your opportunity!

Have your say on the use, management and development of Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park.

Hamilton City Council is about to prepare a Draft Management Plan for Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park.
A draft plan was created in 2005. This was not made operative because of work on the Rotokauri Structure Plan, including defining the edges of the park and locating adjoining roads. Once this work was complete the park was surveyed off, enabling the land to be made subject to the Reserves Act 1977 and clearing the way to proceed with the management plan. Due to five years having passed since the plan was first drafted Council are asking for suggestions from members of the public and other interested parties as to what should be included within the plan.

Written suggestions can be sent to “Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park Management Plan” by:
Post to
Parks and Gardens Unit, Hamilton City Council
Private Bag 3010, Hamilton 3240
Fax to (07) 838 6651
Email to parksandgardens@hcc.govt.nz
Suggestions must be received no later than Friday 14 May 2009.

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