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Submissions In Support Of Waiwhakareke

Posted 9 years ago    0 comments


Please make a submission in support of the proposal to declare the land as

Local Purpose  ( Natural Heritage Park) Reserve


Your viewpoint is important as to why this extra land is important to the expansion to the greening of Hamilton City.

Please personalise your own positive  submission  to this proposal - ​​it doesn't have to be long, but it is a numbers game.A paraphrase would be fine but not cut and paste - it tends to lessen the impact!

Don't be put off by the phrase "anyone objecting". Positive submissions are important to head off potential opponents saying that the supporters don't care.

I can't find any way to make an on-line submission to this so an email is probably the best way, parksopenspaces@hcc.govt.nz or write to the address in the advertisement.


An example sent to the centre is:

"I am writing in support of the proposal to declare Lot 2 DP425316 reserve, subject to the Reserves Act 1977.

Adding this land to Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park will bring many benefits, among them that:

  • It will increase the area restored to natural vegetation, providing additional habitat for fauna and reducing edge effects;
  • It will increase the buffer distance between the existing residential development and the lake;
  • It will increase the area of the lake's catchment in natural vegetation, with consequent water quality benefits;
  • It will emphasise the strength of the Council's commitment to the project, smoothing the path with potential funders;
  • It will provide real encouragement to the many community volunteers, both group and individual, who put so much time into the project;
  • It will reduce the risk of waste-water contamination to the lake.


OPTIONAL: If a hearing on this matter is necessary I would like to appear

A paraphrase would be fine but not cut and paste - it tends to lessen the impact!


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