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Submissions to EPA re Bees; Organic Food Co-op; Dotterel program

Posted 10 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Please note submissions to the EPA close on the 2nd September re the following:

Application APP202142 initiated by Environmental Protection Authority to review and implement appropriate non-contact periods for certain organophosphate or carbamate plant protection substances, in order to protect bees, and other insect pollinators, against adverse effects arising from post-application exposure to the substances.

Relevant application documents can be found on EPA website link: http://www.epa.govt.nz/search-databases/Pages/applications-details.aspx?appID=APP202142

This application meets EPA criteria to be open for submission from members of the public and relevant agencies. The submission period opens on 22 July 2014 and closes on 2 September 2014 5pm, which is the last date we will accept submissions. Submissions may be forward by post or email.

Organic Food Co-op

If anyone was interested in joining a food co-op (in newsletter recently), we at the Waikato Environment Centre would be happy to take orders from members of the public.

Contact admin@envirocentre.org.nz to speak to Rose or Ruth, and we will endeavour to help. Orders are placed once a month, and items are generally those which last a long time (rice, nuts, dried fruit, baking goods etc).

NZ Dotterel Protection Program

The NZ Dotterel breeding season at Port Waikato runs from Sept - March and Karen needs help with Predator Control and Monitoring of breeding sites.

People can do as much or as little as they like, and as the projects keep growing there will be lots of opportunities.

Contact Karen on k.opie@xtra.co.nz or ph 09 2329690.

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