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Sustainable Cambridge - Fencing Workshop

Posted 13 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Farm Fencing for Beginners
A fully hands-on practical one day workshop

Sunday June 19th 2011

9am to 3pm

Cambridge Community Garden site

Vogel Street (entrance behind Resthaven Retirement Village)


  • This workshop is ideal for D.I.Y.  lifestyle block owners wanting to up skill and fence their own properties safely and securely.

  • Proceeds from the fees go towards fencing materials for the Cambridge Community Garden which is a Sustainable Cambridge project

  • Tutor – Greg Burton hails from a sheep farming family in Tarankai. With 30 plus years fencing experience. His work as a shepherd, shearer and fencer has taken him all over the country from Stewart Island to the Far North. Notably Greg was the post contractor for Maungatautiri Ecological Park, respected for his eye for detail and a wealth of experience, you will be hard pressed to find a better tutor for this workshop.   

  • Please bring your own lunch and snacks.  Tea & Coffee provided on the day.
  • Workshop limited to 10 people on a first come, first served basis.
  • Meet at the Cambridge Community Garden site, Vogel St, Cambridge @ 9am sharp.
  • Held by Sustainable Cambridge
    P O Box 1173, Cambridge
    Tel: 07 823 7433  
    Email: info@sustainablecambridge.co.nz

$35 per person

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Please cut, complete and paste these details below and email to info@sustainablecambridge.co.nz.
 Bookings will only be accepted with payment.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Name/s:              _____________________________________

Email:                 _____________________________________

Home Tel:           ______________ Mobile ________________

Number of people attending       _______             

Amount Enclosed/Bank Deposit_______

I/we accept and agree with the Terms of Trade set out below. Please tick here: â–¡

Methods of payment - Direct bank credit: Kiwibank 389 009 0357170 00.  Please reference “Fencing Workshop”

Cheques:  To “Sustainable Cambridge”, post to PO Box 1173, Cambridge 3495.

Terms of Trade: Bookings will not be accepted without full payment. Bookings will be confirmed by email to the address stated above. If you are attending with others we suggest you forward the confirmation email to them. The workshop will go ahead rain, hail or shine. We reserve the right to refuse bookings. No refunds will be made for cancellations made after Monday 13th June 2011. The practical skills undertaken in this workshop can be hazardous; Sustainable Cambridge and its staff accept no responsibility for injury, loss or damage to attendees or their property.  You accept that your attendance is at your own risk.



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