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Open day at the Cambridge community garden

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

This Sunday 22nd July

The garden is located on Vogel street, next door to Resthaven.
Starting at 9am and running through to around lunch time.

There is much to be done including preparing ground, scraping down the shed etc - so there will be something suitable for everyone.

As well as the above our next area of focus is on the orchard. To assist we require someone with a dingo with auger, mini digger, bobcat or similar who would be prepared to come down & dig the 20 or so holes for fruit trees. If you are able to help with this please contact us.

If you can't make it then there are still ways to help. As a community group we look to both individuals & businesses to help get things established.

As such we have a lengthy 'wish list' that you may be able to help with:

  • Water tank to enable us to connect to the nearby house to collect rain water.
  • Suitable piping for the tank.
  • Pergola to provide a shady spot for all those hard working volunteer gardeners
  • Bark chip to cover the pathways.

So we look forward to seeing you on Sunday, or hearing any ideas for the garden. Please also pass on to your friends and family as this is a community effort and the more that can come down the better.

The Community Garden team.

 Sustainable Cambridge
Tel: (07) 823 74 33

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