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Sustainable Urban design workshops 2009

Posted 15 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Sustainable Buildings AKA green homes, energy efficient design, green buildings, eco-homes.....

Please find below details of the five sustainable building workshops for semester 2. Final rego date for first workshop is Monday August 3.

Sustainable building workshops for homeowners – for those with an existing home and those who wish to build from new. These all day workshops are part-funded through Wintec’s ACE programme and are facilitated by specialists in the fields focussed on in each workshop. They will be held at Wintec’s Hamilton City campus.

Retrofit - 8 August
Ian Mayes, Eco Design Advisor at Hamilton City Council, will convince you of the need to insulate, insulate, insulate and how to make small changes to your existing home to make some big gains in terms of energy saving. You will also visit a home where you will put your ‘energy audit’ skills into practice. www.ecodesignadvisor.org.nz
$20 per person

Water - 5th September
Ben Thompson, Kapiti Coast District Council Water Use Coordinator, will look at ways to reduce your water usage in the home, how to harvest and store rainwater for domestic water usage or garden usage, onsite disposal of grey and black water, and reed bed gardens. Representatives from local authorities will discuss what is practical and permitted in their relevant areas.  $20 per person

Energy - 3 October
Michael Lawley, of Eco-Innovations in Taranaki, will go through ways of reducing your homes’ energy load, how to carry out an energy audit, and provides a hands on opportunity to learn more about onsite micro generation, such as wind turbines, solar hot water, photo voltaic cells, and so much more. www.ecoinnovation.co.nz
$20 per person

Materials - 31 October
Ian Mayes, Eco Design Advisor at Hamilton City Council, will take you from framing to exterior cladding to interior floors and wall claddings, where you’ll learn about the toxicity of products used in house constructions and the alternatives such as untreated douglas fir timber for framing, natural floor varnishes, low VOC paints. You’ll learn how to minimise waste, re-use and recycle on the build site.
$20 per person

Eco Design - weekend course in November
(Attendance at previous 4 workshops is a prerequisite)
A team of eco-building and energy efficient design experts will work with you on the design of your new eco-house and site design, one on one or in small groups. This weekend course includes: passive solar design, insulation, orientation, thermal mass, ventilation, site consideration, building (internal) layout, computer modelling, such as Sketchup, life cycle analysis such as ALF (Annual Loss Factor calculation tool).

There will also be two evening meetings leading up to the weekend workshop to ensure all preparation, research and documentation is complete.    $70 per household project

The one day workshops are facilitated by Ian Mayes, Eco Design Advisor at Hamilton City Council, with additional expert input where available. They are partially funded through Wintec's Adult Community Education programme, and coordinated behind the scenes by  Megan Edmeades.

Important: if you are even just possibly considering coming along let me know asap so in ensure appropriate room size and so that I can get a registration form to you. No obligation to attend if you return a completed form to me and are then unable to make it - your registration fee is taken on the day.

 A few things to know for this year:

* For those who have attended these workshops in previous years, please note there is a new workshop this year on materials.

* In the wake of the government's announcement for increased insulation retrofit and clean heat funding over the next four years, it is anticipated that these workshops, and others like, it will now have a higher profile and interest.
* First come first served. Numbers limited!

 These workshops are open to anyone with an interest, however big or small, in sustainable building design and retrofit, from all over the Waikato.

Megan Edmeades
grEEnme Environmental Education ServicesM 021 414 529
P 07 884 6825
E greenme@xtra.co.nz



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