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Bird talk (F & B), Land and Water forum, Job available

Posted 14 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Thursday 11th November

Forest and Bird talk at the Hamilton Gardens pavilion.
John Innes will be talking (probably about birds)
Come along and hear the latest on what is happening in bird research and projects around Hamilton and its surrounds.

Monday 15th November

You are invited to a Mayoral Conversation with Donovan Rypkema

5.30-6.30pm, Reception Lounge, Hamilton City Council, Garden Place Hamilton.

 New futures- rethinking heritage in NZ’s urban places: Thinking creatively about the opportunities and economics of reuse of heritage buildings

 Donovan Rypkema is president of Heritage Strategies International. HSI was established in 2004 as a companion firm to PlaceEconomics, a consulting firm of which Rypkema is the principal. PlaceEconomics – IS widely recognized as the industry leader in the economics of historic preservation, specializing in services to public and NGO clients who are dealing with city center revitalization and the reuse of heritage structures.
No need to RSVP – open invitation for you and your colleagues to attend. Please forward to anyone who may be interested!

Tuesday 16 November from 7pm to 9.30pm

Meet the Land and Water Forum in the Waikato

Waikato Stadium (Bronze Lounge, Level 3, 128 Seddon Road, Hamilton)

The Land and Water Forum comprises a range of primary industry groups, environmental and recreational NGOs, iwi and other organisations with an interest in freshwater and land management.
The Minister for the Environment and the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry asked the Land and Water Forum to advise on how water should be managed in New Zealand. The Forum was joined for that task by active observers from central and local government.

The Forum’s task was to:

• conduct a stakeholder-led collaborative governance process to recommend reform of New Zealand’s freshwater management;

• through a consensus process, identify shared outcomes and goals for freshwater and related land management;

• identify options to achieve these outcomes and goals;

• produce a written report which recommends shared outcomes, goals and long-term strategies for freshwater in New Zealand.

The Land and Water Forum has now completed its final report recommending setting standards, targets and limits to improve water quality in New Zealand, more effective and efficient ways of allocating and transferring permits to use water, and a more strategic and more consultative approach to water management, including storage.

Come and hear about their recommendations and discuss them with Forum members and others from your area.
We hope that representatives from all interested sectors will attend. This is a key opportunity to offer your ideas before the Government makes its decisions. We have the best chance of finding a way forward when we hear a wide range of views.

 Find the whole report online at www.landandwater.org.nz
Let us know if you can come by emailing us at info@landandwater.org.nz

Job Available

NZAEE Seaweek co-ordinator is needed for the Waikato region for 2011!

 Co-ordinator’s main responsibilities are establishing a network of people or groups/agencies who would like to be involved in Seaweek for that year, providing them with relevant information for running events or activities, developing a calendar of activities/opportunities, circulating public and media information and seeking feedback after the week for evaluation.

There is national level support via an NZAEE Seaweek co-ordinator. Regional co-ordinators usually also seek local and regional level sponsorship opportunities for activities such as publicity/promotion. They do not have to run or organise activities themselves.

 Contact Sioux Campbell, NZAEE Seaweek programme manager, on chameleon.1@xtra.co.nz  for more information.



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