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Community Solutions for Today!

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

A public talk from Laurence Boomert showing how we can Revitalise, Reconnect and Make Resilient our communities using the best social and economic models available

Wednesday 8th August
In the Waikato Environment Centre, 25 Ward St.

6pm for pizza  and refreshments
RSVP essential  (to admin@envirocentre.org.nz) $5

6.30 Presentation - entry by koha ($5-10)

Following on the heels of Nicole Foss, comes this presentation by New Zealand's own Community Development and Future Planning Strategist Laurence Boomert who will bring forward the best social and economic models for creating more Resilient, Connected and Revitalised communities.

Come find out how we can:

Ø use Cooperatives & Community Currencies - including Timebanking - coming to Hamilton soon - come and learn more

Ø create employment by answering social needs

Ø strengthen and future-proof our local businesses

Ø create healthier, happier homes and neighbourhoods

Ø prepare and make our communities resilient for harder times

Laurence Boomert has a long history in contingency planning, green business development and community up solutions. In the 1990s he founded the 500 member Environmental Business Network, He currently runs the Bank of Real Solutions, an online database of community can-do success stories. 

He was a co publisher and writer for the book "Fleeing Vesuvius: Responding to the effects of economic and environmental collapse" published in 2011 by Living Economies with whom he is a board member. His essay in the book is titled, "How I Survived the End of the World in Aotearoa"

Along the way he has done everything from being an organic farmer to a television presenter (on Maggie’s Garden Show) to founding a new political party. He serves on a variety of national and local trusts dedicated to sustainable living.

Entry by Donation ($5 -$10 Suggested) Ph 027 25 888 07 for more info

Possibly the most useful information you will get for facing the future with in 2012. You will be glad you came.

Also at the meeting will be Ruth Seabright who is setting up the Hamilton Timebank as part of her masters studies and she will be there to talk to anyone interested in becoming involved in the Timebank

Please distribute the attached poster far and wide


Community Solutions For Today Generic.pdf

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