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Mayor in the Square, Bikewise challenge starting

Posted 14 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Mayor in the Square

- a new, public drop-in-chat launched by Mayor Julie Hardaker.

Tomorrow (Wed 2 Feb) ‘Mayor in the Square’ will be in Garden Place beside the stage from 12-1pm.
How does it work? At ‘Mayor in the Square’, Mayor Julie Hardaker will be at a set location from 12-1pm. During that time any member of the community is welcome to drop in and chat to the Mayor about anything they like - no appointment necessary!

Future dates and times will be advertised at: www.hamilton.co.nz/mayorinthesquare

Bikewise Challenge

Tuesday 1 February kicks off the 2011 Bike Wise Challenge! If you haven't already been to the fantastic new Bike Wise website, what are you waiting for? Check out all the great events in your region and register your organisation for the Bike Wise Challenge.

Here's a few tips for getting you going for the 2011 Bike Wise Challenge:

New to the Bike Wise Challenge
That is fantastic, it's going to be so much fun! Registering for the BIkeWise challenge is easy, just head to the new registrations page and sign up. You will then be able to select your organisation and department to start logging your kms for the team. If your organisation is not already registered, you can add your organisation and you will automatically become the default coordinator. This can be changed at a later stage by selecting another person in your organisation to become the coordinator.

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