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Coming up end of April - May

Posted 14 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Reminder today:

28 April, Wednesday
5.30- 7pm Eco-building – Eco-Normal

When you hear “eco-building” what do you think? … earth huts? …solar heating? …insulation? Ian Mayes shows what Eco-building really is, how you can do it, and the benefits for our health, economy and environment. There is a huge increase in the development of eco—building around New Zealand, and a large eco-building network in the Waikato Region.

Saturday 1st May
Forest and Bird Native plant sale

Note this year it is in Foodtown carpark in Bryce St,
Starts at 8am. Be in early
Proceeds go towards rebuilding of the Ruapehu Lodge that was burnt down last year, which is now underway.

Also Saturday 1st May - Anti mining demo in Auckland

Get on up to Auckland to demonstrate against mining in Schedule 4 lands.
Go to the bottom of Queen St at 11am.

See www.dontunderminenz.org for more information.

CARPOOL - If anyone wants to carpool please contact the environment centre - email your details, phone, cell phone, whether you are a driver or want a ride, number of shoulder-belted seats in your car, which area of Hamilton you are leaving from.

If you haven't written a submission yet please do so! Submissions can be made online http://www.forestandbird.org.nz/mining

Thursday 13 May 12-1pm 
You are invited to a Lunchtime Learning with Living Roofs Green roofs and walls

Reception Lounge, Hamilton City Council, Garden Place Hamilton.

In this presentation, Zoë and Graham will explain about the benefits of living roofs; design considerations; perceived barriers; London and New Zealand examples; why green roofs are being promoted and required overseas; and briefly explain the multifunctional benefits (economic, social and environmental) they provide.

 Zoë Zimmerman from Living Roofs

Living Roofs is an independent organisation that is promoting the uptake of green roofs and walls in NZ providing independent resource for information on living roofs and walls, supported and sponsored by leading companies, authorities and organisations. 
Zoe has worked for the Environment Agency in London as Major Projects Officer and was instrumental in the installation of a number of green roofs in London and the development of a Green Roof Toolkit, which received an Royal Town Planning Award.  She has had articles published in Planning in London magazine on green roofs and effects-based planning, and Architecture NZ magazine.

 Graham Cleary from Natural Habitats
Graham founded Natural Habitats which is one of the leading design and construct companies in the green technology and landscape fields. 

Natural Habitats designed and built the first large commercial green roof in NZ for Mirvac’s Quay West development. This was followed by the intensive landmark “Parc” development in Auckland’s Viaduct and a host of other roofs and podiums.
Recently Graham has adapted green wall technology with indigenous New Zealand flora and installed the countries first two green walls.

No need to RSVP – open invitation for you and your colleagues to attend. Please forward to anyone who may be interested!


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