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News items 23 October

Posted 16 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

In this post:
Sustainable Urban Design Weekend
Seven Summits series
Next Green Drinks 7th Nov
New Landcare Research website
AFS Students wanting host families

Interesting reading - especially in light of upcoming elections

Register now!
Sustainable Urban Design Weekend
Prerequisite Evening session October 28
Weekend 6/7 November

The final workshop in the Sustainable Urban Design programme is fast approaching, hot on the heals of three very successful workshop on energy efficiency retrofitting of the home, alternative domestic water, and alternative domestic energy.
Last year the fourth workshop was an "eco home design workshop' for people with new building projects. However, due to repeated requests and interest from people who have participated in the programme workshops this year, this final workshop will also be for homeowners with an existing home who wish to incorporate, add on or replace part of the structure with eco design, and/or created using sustainable products and/or materials.
This workshop will include the passive solar design assessment, R value evaluation, computer 3D mock up of the intended addition or change, and perhaps touch on life cycle anaylis in general. It will address the necessary building consent process needed, along with other unknown necessaries in the building process.
The workshop will be held on the weekend of Nov 8-9, and will have a prerequisite meeting on October 28 in the evening. Attendance at this evening meeting is necessary so that participants are able to do the necessary background work to ensure that they are able to fully participate in the weekend workshop.
The course will cost $70 per project, so as many people from the household who wish to participate are able to. Please register with Katherine at the Environment Centre on 07 8394452 or email envirocentre@paradise.net.nz

Seven Summits series - 2 events left in the Waikato October 25 Maungatautari (3 options)
Saturday 1st November Pirongia (3 options)
Check out the www.stream2summit.org.nz website for details

Next Green Drinks - support your Green Drinks network.
Presented by the Hamilton Permaculture Trust.
November 7th at the community garden next to Waimarie Community House in Wellington St. Come and enjoy pizza from the pizza oven. As usual bring your own beverage, (fruit juice and nibbles provided)

Put yourself on the map!

Landcare Research is the catalyst for an exciting new web development that will provide people with access to information about sustainability projects nationwide. Landcare Research has partnered with QEII National
Trust, Forest & Bird and NZERM to develop this pilot site using Google mapping technology:
We are inviting organizations and groups to load your projects onto the site. It is very easy -you just need to fill out a template and send it to us.
The structure of OurFuture is based on 'place' and 'theme. The themes currently are; places to visit, NZ wildlife, habitat restoration, pest control, water and wetlands, sustainable business, climate change and
As well as being an information site, Landcare Research will also use the information to assess the overall trends in restoration and sustainability projects nationally.
For more information and for the project template please contact ourfuture@landcareresearch.co.nz
or call Claire Mortimer on 027 292 0006
Help us make it easier for people to learn about your sustainability initiatives by becoming a part of OurFuture.

Claire Mortimer
Senior analyst and project manager
Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd
Private Bag 92170, Auckland Mail Centre, Auckland 1142
231 Morrin Road, St Johns, Auckland

T: +64 021 292 0006
F: +64 9 574 4101

AFS Students wanting homes
We are currently looking for voluntary host-families for students from all over the world who will be arriving into New Zealand in January/February 2009. This year, many of our students are very passionate about ecology and the environment.
All AFS students and host-families are supported during the exchange by trained volunteers from the local community, the students attend the host-families local secondary school, participate in community service work and AFS organised orientation camps and activities. Our students are not fee-paying international students and are treated as domestic students during their time in New Zealand.

Hosting with AFS is a great way for families to experience a different culture and language without leaving the country.

I would love to be able to put you and your contacts in touch with the relevant local AFS volunteer group (we are nationwide). Please do not hesitate to contact me to find out more about AFS, our great students and the local volunteers in your area. I can be contacted on 0800 600 300 ext.1, Jolene.young@afs.org or you can refer to our website www.afs.org.nz




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