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Posted 8 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Kaivolution Volunteers Recognised

2016 Volunteering Waikato Awards see Simon,Jay & Claire accept the Team Excellence Runner-Up award on behalf of the Kaivolution Volunteer Team!!

Well done to all our fantastic volunteers and thanks to Auntie P from the Hamilton Homeless Trust for the nomination!!


Sustainable Waikato Election Strategy Meeting

Where:  The Greenspace, 60 Te Aroha St, Hamilton East

When: 3 July 2016, starting at 3.00pm.

We need to decide what we will do to assist the community to identify the best candidates to support in the upcoming (October) City and Regional Council elections. Anyone who aligns with the mission and vision of Sustainable Waikato is welcome to attend and contribute. Professor Bruce Clarkson will chair the meeting.

Pukorokoro Miranda School Holiday Program

When : July 11 to July 22

In association with The Flock project we are trialing a school holiday program. It will run on week days only from July 11 to July 22 - between 10.00 a.m. and 12 noon. A story time will be followed by bird decorating (brightly painting ready-primed cut-out birds and sticking on re-used bits and pieces to add to The Flock). Admission is free. To register interest please phone the centre on 09 2322781 or email admin@miranda-shorebird.org.nz

In the first week the tides run from late morning to mid-afternoon so there should be birds to see as well. Of course, as there is also the Miranda Hot Springs - bathing togs might be handy too!



 Cordially invite you to make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities while sipping on delicious barista-made coffee, nibbling on delectable brunch treats and bidding on extraordinary sustainable items!

When: 2 July 2016

Where: Miltons Canteen Alexandra Street

Details attached




The sixth and final lecture is scheduled for next Tuesday, July 5,

When: Tuesday July 5 12.10 - Professors James Renwick & Tim Naish

Where: : Reception Lounge, Hamilton City Council, Garden Place

This final talk is primarily part of the Royal Society of New Zealand's 2016 ten by ten (10 x 10) lecture series (see http://www.royalsociety.org.nz/events/ten-by-ten/ten-by-ten-climate-change/), but also fits perfectly into the series you have been attending. Although there is no change from the proceedings of the last few weeks, RSNZ request that you follow the link above and register your intention to attend the lecture.

Note that this applies only to the final lecture on July 5.

The full lecture programme can be viewed at http://rsnzwaikato.org/sites/default/files/ClimateChangeSeries2016Poster.pdf



For Organic Gardeners

When: On Saturday August 6th, 10am to 3pm

Where: Beryl Le Grove's place, Ohaupo

The workshop is being facilitated by Annie Stone from OFNZ. It will be both practical and interesting!

Inquiries please contact : hamiltonorganicgardeners@gmail.com



Karen Opie has organised a pingao and spinifex planting for 12 - 14 August at Nukuhakari Station. (West Coast between Marakopa and Awakino)

If you are interested please contact Karen. Numbers are limited.

Nukuhakari is a sheep and beef station just north of Awakino where the lack of a sand dune has resulted in huge sand drifts inland. David Bergin and Jim Dahm from the Dunes Trust are carrying out two projects there.. One is a "difficult sites" project to re-establish the sand dune and eliminate sand drift and pasture loss. The hope is that this will become the framework for similar sites around the country. This has been partially funded by DOC's Community Fund. Nukuharkari is also a site for testing fertiliser made from the pest fish koi carp and comparing it to synthetic gro tabs and plants planted without fertiliser.

Karen OpieBeachcare Coordinator: Waikato West Coast




Please find attached the 1st circular for the 31st John Child Bryophyte and Lichen Workshop.

This will be held at Coroglen from 2nd - 7th December


lichen_Workshop_First Circular.pdf




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