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Timber! Crazy Accounting loophole - Action needed

Posted 14 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Dear friends around New Zealand,

Deforestation New Zealand is undermining global climate talks -- happening now in Mexico -- by pushing an accounting trick that would hide the cost of destructive forestry. A national outcry now could push climate Minister Tim Groser to be a climate leader and block the logging loophole. Send a message now, and forward this email to your friends:

New Zealand is undermining global climate talks -- happening now in Mexico -- by pushing an accounting trick that would hide the cost of destructive forestry. A national outcry now could push climate Minister Tim Groser to be a climate leader and block the logging loophole. Send a message now, and forward this email to your friends:

Send a Message!


Right now, international climate negotiations in Mexico are heating up -- but powerful timber companies are lobbying New Zealand for special favours which would undermine the talks. climate Minister Tim Groser is already at the summit, and we have just days left to shift his position -- let’s call on him to oppose loopholes for loggers!

Forests are a key line of defence against climate change, because trees absorb global warming pollution. Limiting the destruction of forests is a keystone of any climate treaty. But logging companies are seeking to duck their climate obligations, lobbying the Ministry of the Environment for a massive exemption from accounting for the environmental costs of commercial tree-cutting.

 It’s not too late to stop this sham. Let’s send a resounding message from New Zealanders to safeguard our forests and climate, not sell them out to big industry. Click below to send your urgent message to Groser -- it will be sent to him directly and delivered in Cancun, by the NZ youth delegation before the talks end on Friday:


 The special conditions New Zealand logging companies are seeking could actually lead to a 45% increase in carbon pollution. It’s one enormous accounting trick, which allows governments and industries to hide their actual climate contributions in a big black hole at the expense of forests.
Meanwhile, international climate talks are hanging by a thread after the failure of world leaders to deliver a deal in Copenhagen last year. By pushing for these special rules, forest-rich nations like New Zealand aren't just shirking their commitments and cutting huge holes in any treaty -- they're putting the whole talks at risk, just when progress is most needed.

 If we can switch our government from a chainsaw to a forest champion, other countries could shift too, injecting new hope into the climate negotiations that will shape the world we all live on. Before the talks end on Friday, let’s send a flood of messages to Groser, urging him to close the loopholes in Cancun. Send your message now, then forward this email:


Forests are the lungs of our planet, sustaining people, animals and plants worldwide. They’re also a potential life-saver in the fight against climate change. It’s time they were accorded the same respect by governments that they have always received from the world’s people.

With hope,
Ben, Iain, Alex, Graziela, Ben M, Mia, David and the rest of the Avaaz team.

More information on forests at the global climate negotiations:

Reuters: “Logging loophole under attack in Cancun” -- http://www.reuters.com/article/idUS368348002620101201?pageNumber=1

Quote: "The crazy one is New Zealand," Chris Henschel, policy manager at the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, another group involved, told SolveClimate News.
New Zealand aims to slash emissions across its economy by 10 to 20 percent by 2020. But the LULUCF incentive would allow the logging giant to cut down more trees and keep the emissions rise off the books.
The result would be a 45 percent increase in New Zealand's emissions, instead of a reduction, the analysis said.
Nearly every Annex I nation backs the loophole, though none would benefit as much as New Zealand.

Business Green: “Forestry loophole could sink global emissions deal” -- http://www.businessgreen.com/bg/news/1899273/forestry-loophole-sink-global-emissions-deal


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