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Oil report, track building workshop, lunchtime learning, Adult education meeting

Posted 14 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

News today - fuel price increases - something many of us are expecting to happen but at least the government is having it spelt out to them and hopefully our new and old councillors also take on board:
To read this online visit:

 Saturday 16 October

Gully Restoration Track Building workshop

This Saturday 16th October there is a track building workshop at Silverdale School starting 1 pm. Learn how to build simple tracks and steps which can help to stabilise gullies as well as providing access for restoration.

Following Department of Conservation principles of creating permanent low maintenance tracks which blend with their natural surroundings we will be building a small section of track with a couple of boxed sections and a piece of flat track at the top of the gully next to recently planted Silverdale School Gully garden.

Feel free to come for the afternoon or to drop in for a few minutes and have a look.
Park on Barrie Crescent and head across the playing field to the far corner of the playing field next to the swimming pool.

Tim Newton
Gully Restoration Officer
DDI 07 838 6878  Email tim.newton@hcc.govt.nz

Tuesday 26 October 12-1pm

Reception Lounge, Hamilton City Council, Garden Place Hamilton.
You are invited to a Lunchtime Learning with Ian Mayes

What defines an Eco Home and why would we build them?

In this presentation, Ian will look at some of the terminology used around Eco Homes and what those terms actually mean. He will look at what technologies are utilised in an Eco home and how do we define an Eco/Green or Sustainable Home.
Ian also investigates why we are interested in building this way as opposed to the standard way of building today. What is driving the current trend toward Greener Homes?

Ian Mayes has been a designer and builder for twenty years in London and L.A. He specialised in high end custom interiors but also worked on various commissions including a series of foot bridges for a Country House in England and a Beach house in Malibu. Ian came back to NZ in 1999 and completed a Permaculture Design Course. This bought about a total change to the way he viewed Buildings. He designed and built his own Eco Home in Raglan 2001. Established the Timber and Building Materials recycling programme at Xtreme Waste in Raglan in 2004. He joined HCC as the Eco Design Advisor in 2006.

No need to RSVP – open invitation for you and your colleagues to attend. Please forward to anyone who may be interested!

Attached to this email is a poster-handout advertising an Education public meeting.

Thursday 28 October

7.30 pm
Celebrating Age Centre
Victoria Street, Hamilton

Public Meeting: The theme is "Is Quality Public Education under attack in the Waikato?"

 It is a joint meeting involving ACE (Adult and Community Education), NZEI, PPTA and the Student Associations.
It covers the impact of government policy and budget cuts on education from Early Childhood through to Adult Education - the entire education journey a person may take in their lifetime.

Speakers from each sector will un-pack what the impact of government policy means for them.
Please feel free to pass this information through your networks to anyone you think will be interested.








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