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Waikato Environment Centre AGM Tuesday 29th May

Posted 12 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

You are invited to the Waikato Environment Centre's AGM 2012

Tuesday 29th May 2012

Waikato Environment Centre, 25 Ward St, Hamilton

Everyone welcome

Starting at 5.30 Drinks and nibbles

6pm Special General Meeting

6.15pm AGM

7pm Speaker: Dr Mark Goodwin

“The importance of bees to our way of life and the increasing number of threats facing them”
Mark is the Team Leader, Pollination and Agriculture, at Plant and Food Research

RSVP to Lee Kimber, Administrator,  Waikato Environment Centre, admin@envirocentre.org.nz or phone 839 4452

Please find attached 3 documents:

  1. AGM agenda,
  2. Proposed changes to the Trust Deed
  3. Nomination form for new Trustees of the Environment Centre.

Nominations for new Trustees must be received 24 hours before the AGM date.

AGM 2012.doc
nomination 12.doc
Changes to the Deed document.doc

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