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Waikato Show 2012

Posted 13 years ago    0 comments

Calling all Waikato Environmental Community Groups – our opportunity to show the community what we do!
Waikato Show – 2012
Friday to Sunday 27 – 29th April

Thursday – set up day
Friday 12:00pm - 8:00pm
Saturday 10:00am - 8:00pm
Sunday 10:00am - 4:00pm

Planning is well under way for our part of the Waikato Show at Claudelands Event Centre. The theme for our area is the Waikato River.

Waikato Environment Centre are taking this opportunity help groups to increase awareness of environmental issues in the Waikato area, and  raise public awareness of the work that environmental community groups are doing, from rural through to coastal regions to deal with those issues.

This will be a major opportunity to showcase what your group is doing. There will be a large and varied family audience coming through - make the most of it!
Please find attached a word document with more information about what we are doing for the show, and a form for your group to fill in and return so that we have an idea of who's coming and what you will need.
This is an indication of intent only at this stage - so please try and return this to me as soon as possible, or if you have any queries get back to me



Waikato Show.doc

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