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Water Workshop coming up

Posted 16 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Water Workshop Sat 13th Sept Wintec Room A102 in "A"BLOCK (middle of campus
Bookings through the Environment Centre 839 4452
9.45am -4.00pm

This all day workshop will be covering all aspects of domestic water

Ian Mayes, Eco Design Advisor with Hamilton City Council will facilitate and cover general water issues.

Ben Thompson from Kapiti Coast Council water management will be giving an over view of why water conservation is important to all of us in NZ,
How water cycles work in the natural and built environment.
Storm water and its impact on the environment.

Harvesting of Rain water for use in and around the Home and all this entails from first flush to filtration.
Use reduction in the home.
Grey water systems.

Rick Thorpe from Xtreme waste in Raglan will be talking about Composting toilets.

Nik Hardy, Building Review Officer from Hamilton City Council will be on hand in the afternoon to answer queries on Councils requirements

We will also be looking at storm water control features such as rain gardens, swales, green roofs ,permeable surfaces and holding tanks.
Black water, vermiculture systems , septic tanks and water use reduction around the garden.

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