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Posted 9 years, 9 months ago    0 comments





Get your own tui or wood pigeon, fantail, tomtit or chicken metal art

These are all made with 2mm Thick NZ Mild Steel.

They will rust over a period of a couple of weeks and will last for years.


Lots of nice plants, can send a list if you want to know exactly what is there.

Give me a ring if you want to come at another time. 856 1906 or 021267 2773. I live Nixon St, Ham East. Pls park on the road, trolley available.

There are bulk rengarenga, hebe, pittos, but lots of other things too.


Arbor day planting this year at Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park, Brymer Road (opposite the Hamilton Zoo), Friday 29th May at 10.00am

As per usual you will need to bring a spade, unfortunately all the buses have been allocated to schools, we just don’t have any more to send to the University or Migrant Centre etc. so apologies for that , perhaps next year we can have some sponsors for more buses. If you are taking a vehicle please carpool where you can.

We will have a traffic management team directing traffic , please follow their instructions. The buses will park again in the Zoo car park, all other traffic will be at the Waiwhakareke parking area as directed.

PROGRAMME – Arbor Day 2015 – 29 May, 10.00am, Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park , Brymer Road, Hamilton , New Zealand

Time Activity

9.00 - 10.00am Volunteers arrive, Brymer Road entrance.

Buses to Zoo car park and other vehicles to Waiwhakareke Car park Brymer Road

MCs from FREE FM to start 9.30 to entertain volunteers

10.10 – 10.20am Mayor Julie Hardaker to welcome participants

Karakia by Tame Pokaia

10.20 – 10.30am Mayor and dignitaries to plant first tree of day

10.30am – 12.30pm Planting of 12,000 native plants

12.30 – 1.15pm BBQ vegetarian sausage sizzle to celebrate event

Some buses return to school

1.30 – 2.00pm Zoo school programme - talks with plant, bug and water people

Buses return to school

Volunteers from Volunteering Waikato , City Parks staff and other check through plantings to see all planted properly!

Gerard Kelly

Community Planting Co-ordinator | Parks and Open Spaces

DDI: 07 838 650107 838 6501 | Mob: 021 286 2066021 286 2066 | Email: gerard.kelly@hcc.govt.nz



Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park is an internationally recognized ecological restoration project happening on 60 hectares of farmland opposite Hamilton Zoo. Many members of the Hamilton Community are helping to replant the various landforms from peat lake to ridge crest in accordance with the native plants and trees that used to be there.

Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park is a joint partnership between Hamilton City Council, The University of Waikato (particularly the Environmental Research Institute (ERI), Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec), Tui 2000 and Nga Mana Toopu O Kirikiriroa.

In future the park will provide not only a home for native birds, insects etc but also a stunning setting for community recreation as both young and old enjoy walking and cycling through native forest . We have been planting there since 2004 and with such terrific growth rates in the Waikato we are seeing great progress and the return of many birds.

BUT….the Winter planting season is here and we need your help to get trees in the ground. Tui 2000, one of the four partners in the project, has formed a planting group called “Friends of Waiwhakareke”. We are looking for new members. We meet at 9am at the Zoo’s Brymer Rd carpark on the last Saturday of each month and would love to see you there to help. Bring gloves, a spade and morning tea. You will be most welcome! We aim to finish at noon.

Please note that our end of May planting will be held on 6th June. After that we plant on 27 June, 25 July, 29 August and 26 September.

We have an email reminder list so if you would like to be involved (or have a query) please send your name to m.cursey@xtra.co.nz or just turn up!

Lynne Garnham


Tui 2000 Inc.


WEL Quick Response Round

OPEN NOW! Go to this link to apply for a grant of up to $5000


Closes 12 June

Please be reminded that your organisation can only receive ONE grant per calendar year

Don't hesitate to contact the Trust office on (07) 838 0093(07) 838 0093 if you would like some advice about your application.



You are invited to participate in a 1/2 day workshop for Environment / NGO groups and individuals interested in the Healthy Rivers Project.

This is the 2nd of these workshops and its primary purpose is to ensure we hear the Environment / NGO sectors views on the project and how it is progressing. Michelle and I are the Environment / NGO representatives on the Healthy Rivers Collaborative Stakeholders Group. We are also arranging for some presentations and will share our perspectives on how the Project is progressing.


Details are:

DATE: Tuesday 2 June

WHERE: Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens

TIME: 9.00 am to 1.00 pm

An agenda will be sent out in the near future but please do book this event into your calendar and share with others you think may be interested in attending. Coffee / tea will be available at 9.00 am and a lunch will be served at 1.00 pm. If you do wish to attend please RSVP by 28 May for catering purposes.




A Rocha is facilitating a tree planting day for a Waikato farmer.

On Saturday 30 May we are assisting a South Waikato dairy farmer in developing an example of environmentally-sustainable dairy farming. Gray Baldwin has created a wetland on his farm to improve the water quality flowing into the Waikato River. He needs help planting the area around the wetland with native trees.

Location: Spitfire Dairies, 280 Lichfield Road (Fonterra Supply Number 77958 on front gate). This is 3 km past Putaruru Golf Course on the right.

Start time: 9.30 am End time: 2pm

Hamilton meeting place: 8 am Hillcrest Chapel car park, 120 Masters Ave., Hillcrest

Please contact Richard Storey for more information:






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