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Posted 9 years, 8 months ago    0 comments



Provides online resources to introduce you to environmental issues and provides some practical solutions for the average kiwi family.

Go to  to register and download this great educational material.

If you are interested in Greening Your Lifestyle but would like to learn through conversation, hands on examples, encouragement and even meet some experts....www.sustainableliving.org.nz then we have the Sustainable Living Conversations. Starting in July on Wednesday evenings 7 to 8.30pm at Waikato Environment Centre. You can come to all the 8 topics or pick and choose...how cool is that.


If this interests you then contact Tania on tania@envirocentre.org.nz





Saturday 27 June 2015 - We will be planting. Please try and come to this working bee as we need every pair of hands we can get for planting. We've got about 400 plants to get into the ground and if we get 25 people that will only take 2 hours so we "get out early".


9am - midday

Meet in the car park on Brymer Road opposite the zoo.

Bring a spade and wear your gumboots as it maybe wet in the area we're planting. Best to bring gloves to wear and most importantly morning tea.

Look forward to seeing you on Saturday morning. Much appreciated Moira




Hundreds of monarch butterflies..

have been invading my home! They're not LIVE ones, though. They're beautifully decorated paper ones, contributed by schools all over the country. I have been amazed at the huge response to help us create the massive artwork which is going to thrill and delight people coming to the premiere of the movie Flight of the Butterflies in 3D at Sylvia Park on Monday, 29 June.

A few notes about the premiere. Tickets are going quickly and I'd hate it if anyone missed out. There will be no sales at the cinema - you must go to our website to book. Click on the link below:


If you have friends or family or colleagues in Auckland who share your passion for butterflies, please would you pass this message on to them? They may not have heard about Flight of the Butterflies, and we'd hate them to miss out.




Mark your calendar details attached. Find out more about Hamilton’s Treasured Gully Systems

Gully Seminar Poster 2015-2.pdf


It is designed for people who are already living in some type of community or thinking that living more communally is the way of the future. Robin Allison, the facilitator, brings with her a wealth of knowledge and experience both in developing and living in an urban community; and also through visiting many communities across the world.


Attached is a flyer for the week-end workshop on Flourishing Sustainable Communities. Friday night is open to all (at a cost of $15pp); Saturday's numbers are limited - and you need to have come to the intro on Friday night ($45 for both sessions).





As the programme develops, we are sending these updates to both registered delegates and our database in general. Even if you have already registered for the conference, these emails will keep you posted on the latest developments.

Despite excellent efforts by a large number of people we are still losing the war against biodiversity loss in New Zealand. Much effort is localised and not of sufficient scale to bring about the changes required. Session 3 of the conference will explore how we can scale up effort to make a substantial impact on biodiversity conservation on a regional and national basis.

Session 3: What's needed to scale up effort?

Wednesday 12 August, 2pm

Chair: Rob Fenwick, Trustee, Predator Free New Zealand

International keynote: Delivering global scale conservation at a local level


Patricia Zurita

Patricia is Chief Executive of the Birdlife International Partnership and joins us via a pre-recorded interview with Rob Fenwick.


Birdlife International is the world’s largest nature conservation Partnership, with 120 BirdLife Partners worldwide. Patricia is an outstanding conservationist with a strong track record of delivering global scale conservation at a local level. Patricia has worked across the globe developing economic initiatives and building civil society capacity, in partnership with both the non-profit and the business sectors. She takes a pragmatic approach to conservation that has delivered real results while working with and helping to develop civil society.

Other speakers in this session include:

Addressing biodiversity on a landscape scale: Reconnecting Northland project, David Mules, Programme Manager, Reconnecting Northland

Managing from ‘ridge to reef’: Lessons from Seachange - Tai Timu Tai Pari, Raewyn Peart, Policy Director, Environmental Defence Society

Panel Discussion:

Dr Nick Edgar, Chief Executive Officer, New Zealand Landcare Trust

Trevor Gray, Special Projects Manager, Tindall Foundation

Mike Jebson, Chief Executive Officer, Queen Elizabeth II Trust

Bill Kermode, Chief Executive Officer, NEXT Foundation

Lucy Tukua, Environment Manager, Ngāti Paoa Iwi Trust




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