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What's the Holdup?July 29th

Posted 11 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

It’s 100% possible to build a thriving New Zealand beyond fossil fuels.

So what’s the hold up

Generation Zero would like to invite you to 'Whats the Hold up?' an event to get New Zealand moving on climate change which is being held on Monday the 29th of July at 7pm in room S.1.04 at Waikato University.

'What's the Hold Up?' is a nationwide speaking tour that Generation Zero are hosting about climate change. The tour will catalyse a conversation on the solutions and opportunities for New Zealanders to move beyond fossil fuels.

There is a line-up of inspiring speakers including Rob Oram (Business and economic commentator, Sunday Star Times columinst), Louis Chambers (co-founder of Generation Zero and Rhodes Scholar) and youth climate leaders Ryan Mearns, Sam Taylor and Sam Blood.
Strong themes of the evening will be empowering communities and showcasing the huge potential for New Zealand to move towards a low-carbon economy.

Our ability to create change is strengthened when people from all walks of life engage with the issue, so we'd love for you to attend this evening to hear experts and young people paint a compelling and realistic picture of the opportunities to build a thriving, low-carbon New Zealand. There will be light nibbles afterwards and an opportunity to meet other audience members from the community to discuss the issues.

Entry is free. Please RSVP at http://generationzero.org.nz/whatstheholdup



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