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Working days this Saturday

Posted 11 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Saturday  26 October
Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park.

9am - midday
Meet in the carpark opposite  the Zoo.
We will be releasing wetland plantings. Probably best to wear gumboots.  And bring gloves and secateurs (helps to cut away  strong weeds and thistles)  and lastly  bring  morning tea.  Look forward to seeing you next Saturday.
Moira Cursey m.cursey@xtra.co.nz
Co-convenor of Friends of Waiwhakareke

Hammond Park this Saturday 26th Oct

 Riverlea Environment Society are having a working bee to clear our new plantings of weeds. This is rewarding work, and we'll be able to see where we've been. From 1-3pm.

 Please bring a spade, gardening gloves, sturdy shoes and something to cut with (secateurs or loppers, the latter probably being best). Meet at the Malcolm St end of the boardwalk.

 Dr Andrea Graves  Tel. +64 7 856 1575

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