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Village Milk Launch and HPT Workshops - Bees and Trees

Posted 11 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Saturday 12th October
Bee keeping workshop

10am.  Waimarie Community House, Wellington St, Hamilton East

The Hamilton Permaculture Trust has organised a day's workshop on keeping bees in your home garden.
Join us for this six-hour introduction to urban beekeeping. Observe a hive in action, enjoy a shared lunch, and come away with the basic knowledge and skills to begin keeping your own bees at home.

Cost is $40pp. Prebooking is essential as numbers are limited.
Contact the Cheryl to register, (07) 834 2249 or permaham@actrix.co.nz. 

Saturday 2nd November
Espalier Workshop

Learn how to espalier your own trees!
Espaliering is a convenient method of pruning trees to grow flat against walls or fences anywhere that space is an issue. It is ideal for small urban properties – fresh fruit can be had even from pint-sized sections!

This is a supervised, hands-on workshop held in the Kitchen Garden at Hamilton Gardens

10am – 12 noon. Cost is $20pp.  Prebooking  is essential as numbers are limited.

Contact the Hamilton Permaculture Trust to register, (07) 834 2249 or permaham@actrix.co.nz



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