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Localising Food Tour - Hamilton and Raglan

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    0 comments


Tuesday 9th April  7pm - 9.30pm
Waikato Environment Centre, 25 Ward St (on level 1)


Evening presentation from Robina McCurdy and Susie Lees
Institute of Earthcare Education Aoteraoa

Politics of Food Security - critical information about our rights to grow and share food in NZ followed by
Inspiring Local Food Resilience
- powerful examples of community food systems happening around our country
Contribution $5 - $20
Plate for supper

Poster for more information

Tuesday 9th April
Edible Landscape workshop.
9.30am - 5pm
Location: 28 Westvale Lane, Te Kowhai
Contact Nathan 829 7706 or 021 156 712 or email nathan@consciousstuff.com

Wednesday 10th April
Food Forest Workshop
9.30am - 5pm
Location: 28 Westvale Lane, Te Kowhai
Contact Nathan 829 7706 or 021 156 712 or email nathan@consciousstuff.com


April 5-7th
Led by Robina McCurdy and Susie Lees
Institute of Earthcare Education Aoteraoa

Friday, April 5th: Evening presentation on The Politics of Food Security and Empowering Local Food Resilience. Entry: $5-$20. 6:30pm Location: Solscape. Pizzas and refreshments available from the Conscious Kitchen.

Saturday April 6th: Empowering Local Food Resilience workshop. 9am - 4pm Location: Solscape. Costs: $35 - $135

Sunday April 7th: Garden Design & Implementation Hands-on workshop at Police Community Gardens. 9:30am - 3:30pm Cost: $25 - $125.

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