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World Environment Day

Posted 16 years, 9 months ago    0 comments


Thursday 5th June World Environment Day

Each year on June 5, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) showcases a chosen country or continent. In 2007 it was Antarctica, and this year it is New Zealand. The world spotlight will be on us.

Four Hamilton events
Thursday June 5th
1. Lunchtime at the Environment Centre - Rob Hamill talk
2. HCC Carbon Crusade
3. Forest and Bird Soc Talk and video on Journey the Southern Oceans and Antarctica
Friday 6th June
4. WED Green Drinks, 5.30pm in S block at the University of Waikato

Rob Hamill is coming to the Environment Centre, 25 Ward St, to help us celebrate World Environment Day, to talk about his experiences out in the world's oceans.

Local environmental groups will have displays and Community Radio Hamilton are also supporting the day, providing music and activities to add to the fun.

11.30 - 1.30
Rob Hamill at 12.30
Light lunch and "Environment Matters" goodies bag for the first lucky visitors

2. HCC Carbon Crusade

- for those feeling energetic, go and run/walk and plant a tree

• Time: All walkers/runners start at 12noon. All participants to be finished by 1pm.
• Distance: 4km. Participants can run or walk.
• Number of participants = 1200 (600 schoolkids, 600 adults).
• Entry fee: free entry.
• Start/finish: adjacent to Equestrian Centre at WINTEC.
• Parking: all parking will take place on WINTEC grounds, from entrance off Avalon Drive.

Contact Details:
Aaron Fleming
Phone: 07 838 6483

3. WED Forest and Bird Soc talk
Hamilton Gardens pavilion, 7.30pm

Katherine Hay from the Environment Centre will give a presentation on her journey to the Southern Oceans, and look at some of the issues for global species which frequent this region.

4. Friday 6th June
Green Drinks will be hosted by the Waikato Branch of the NZ Assn for Environmental Education. 5.30 in S block foyer at the University of Waikato. As usual, please bring your own beveridge, nibbles provided. Gold coin donation, and try and bring someone who hasn't been before. Enquiries to Katherine 839 4452

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