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World Wetlands Day 3rd February 2013

Posted 12 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Join us on the 3rd of February at Lake Serpentine/Rotopiko to celebrate the start of the National Wetland Centre project. Take a walk up our virtual 'garden path' showcasing our plans for a series of gardens representing New Zealand's range of wetland types, and talk to designers about plans for the visitor building and exhibits.

10.30am - 3pm, Lake Serpentine, SH3 (3 km south of Ohaupo between Hamilton and Te Awamutu).

Free buses may be available from Hamilton - check with us closer to the time. See our World Wetlands Day page for more details.

We will launch the start of construction on the pest fence at Lake Serpentine - site of the proposed National Wetland Centre. 

After a brief ‘ground-breaking’ ceremony, event-goers can walk a virtual ‘garden path’ following the route of the planned wetland gardens (estuary, braided river, alpine tarn, geothermal wetland) to the site of the proposed visitor centre. Posters will provide artists impressions, and you will be able to talk to the Trustees and designers about your ideas for the centre.

  • A range of fun activities await beyond the garden path walk. Currently being planned are:
  • An intrepid journey with the Bog Man – join Keith Thompson on a guided walk around South Lake on newly acquired reserve land – no formal path, this will be truly new territory for the public.
  • Wetland master classes  - art and photography courses, flax weaving, and more.
  • Kids competitions  - make a bog in a cup, drawing and other fun activities
  • Caching for a Cause – learn the art of geocaching (treasure hunts for grownups) and complete a wetland restoration challenge using GPS to locate the task
  • Scaling a Jurassic giant – watch expert tree climbers prussick up an ancient kahikatea tree in the search for weird and wonderful plant life
  • Watch local artists capturing the beauty of this special site in oils, watercolours or charcoal

Free entry. We are currently seeking sponsorship to run a free bus from Hamilton, part of our sustainable transport plan for the site.

Bring: picnic, walking shoes, water, sun-protection

Contact karen.denyer@wetlandtrust.org.nz

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