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Nov / Dec Events

Posted 12 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Thursday 22 November
Pukemokemoke Working Bee

9 - 12 pm (approx.)  at the Reserve to weed and do track work this Thursday.  Bring morning tea and lots of sunshine for an enjoyable day.
Alan Leadley, Ph: 07-8552919, 0272249622, mualleadley@xtra.co.nz

Saturday 24 November
Waiwhakareke Working Bee

 9 - 12pm Meet at  Brymer  Road entrance (opposite the zoo)
Please bring gloves and morning  tea. 
Contact: Moira  Cursey 07-846-5066.
The group will be releasing the plants that were planted on Arbor day. This will be the last working bee for the year. 

Saturday 24 November
Kiwi Conservation Club: Fantastic Bug Walk

1 - 4pm.  Meet at Wintec:  car park off Tristam Street - through Gate 2 opposite Girls' High and continue up the hill to the carpark.

RSVP Susan on 07 829 8977 or txt 021 254 1360. 
Please see previous posting for more details.

Sunday 25 November 
Waikato Botanical Society - Trip to Awaroa Swamp Wildlife Management Reserve, Lake Whangape

9 am. Meet in the Landcare Research Carpark, Gate 10, Silverdale Road, Hamilton. Easy to medium grade.  Wear footwear you don’t mind getting wet and muddy, and lunch.
Contact Paul Champion: p.champion@niwa.co.nz, wk 8561796 or 027 294 6970
Awaroa Swamp Wildlife Management Reserve is part of Lake Whangape.  It contains some of the best swamp kahikatea forest in the Lower Waikato Region.  

Friday 30 November
Biodiversity Forum: Wetland Protection

Reminder:  10 - 4pm at Te Rahu Hall, (just south of Lake Serpentine)
Contact Moira  Cursey 07-846-5066 to register.

Sunday 2 December
Forest and Bird Walk: Aotea

All welcome. Easy. 9am - 4pm  
Meet at Aotea 9am or 7.30 from Memorial Park, River Road, to car pool. (Let Adua know if you want to carpool - 843 3375)
Come prepared for a special day by the Wild West Coast!
This will be an interesting, varied day out from Aotea including farmland, bush, beach, wetland, birds, plants, local issues and history etc.
Contact: Jon Wenham 07 855 0808.

John Dodgson who has lived in the area for 10 years and worked for DoC will lead the trip. He has arranged access through farms and is very knowledgeable on all the areas listed above.

Tuesday 25th December

This Christmas, help us help our native species and their new families by buying a Forest & Bird gift. 

or shop online at the F and B shop

Give a gift membership to a conservation group

Shop at the Waikato Environment Centre for a wormbin or bokashi buckets, or the Hamilton Permaculture Trust's great book for gardeners "How to Grow your Own Food" 


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