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Events - coming up

Posted 11 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Thursday 21 November

Forest and Bird talk

7.30 at Hamilton Gardens

Arthur Hinds, chairman of the Whenuakite Kiwcare group, and acting chair of ACRE,  will talk about conservation work on the Coromandel.

Saturday 23 November

Reminder - The Friends of A J Seeley Gully invite you to attend a ‘Working Bee’ on Saturday, 23 November 2013 commencing at 3.00pm.

Meet at the entrance to the reserve at the end of Armagh St .
5.30: Social get together with a BBQ in the park. BYO drinks
RSVP by Wednesday, 20 November
for catering purposes.
If you would like receive further information about this project please contact the Parks and Opens Spaces customer service team by phoning  838 6622 or  email; gerard.kelly@hcc.govt.nz

Sunday 24 November

Miropiko Working group - 10 - 12.
339 River Rd. Bring gloves.
Queries Katherine 021 267 2773

Sunday 30th November

Riverlea Environmental Society
Meet at the Malcolm St end of the boardwalk  at 1pm with gloves, sturdy shoes, spade and loppers or similar. Two hours, all done, good feelings.

Wednesday 4th December

National Wetland Trust
Working bee at Lake Serpentine, 9 - noon    
and Lizard surveys
– still to be confirmed but either week of Nov 25th or (more likely) week of Dec 4th – will involve daytime activities (eg setting up pitfall traps, non-lethal), and night-time spotlight surveys

Contact Karen Denyer if you are interested karen.denyer@papawerageological.co.nz


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