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Bot Soc AGM and Funding Opportunities

Posted 12 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

     Waikato Botanical Society AGM and talk

 Thursday 19th April

 6.30pm AGM, 7pm talk

At Waikato University, Room S.G.03, S block, Gate 8 Hillcrest Rd.   (please note: this is different to where we normally meet).  Contact Jackson Efford: bot_soc@waikato.ac.nz

This will be followed by questions and a cuppa

Peter de Lange - Kermadec Biodiscovery 2011 Expedition 

In May 2011 the Auckland Museum led a three week investigation of the Kermadec Islands Marine Reserve, New Zealand's largest and least explored marine reserve. The Kermadecs are an isolated, volcanogenic archipelago that owes its origin to the ongoing subduction of the Pacific Plate under the Austro-Indian Plate. The expedition team comprising a multidisciplinary, international body of mostly marine scientists intended to document the marine biota surrounding the Kermadec Archipelago. Two scientists were tasked with documenting the terrestrial biota of the island group; Dr Peter de Lange, a senior scientist with the Department of Conservation, was invited to participate as expedition botanist. 

Peter’s talk will detail the places visited, aspects of the vegetation and flora and illustrate some of the discoveries made during the expedition, which include a new ecosystem type of New Zealand, a raft of mosses, liverworts and lichens new to the New Zealand Botanical Region, and one new, as yet to be described, vascular plant endemic to the southern Kermadec Islands group.


Norah Howell Charitable Trust applications

Due to a change of date of the Trustee Meeting, the closing date for the  is now 30 April 2012.  Request an application form from: C B Cleland, Norah Howell Charitable Trust, P O Box 9495, Hamilton. (07) 838 2692


 Small Scale Community Initiatives Fund Applications Open

Applications for the above fund are open and will close on 25 June 2012. Funds to successful applicants will be available July/August 2012. This fund is for weed and animal pest management work. Information can be found at:www.waikatobiodiversity.org.nz/funding/ew_initiatives/

If you have any queries please be in touch Moira Cursey:    m.cursey@xtra.co.nz    www.waikatobiodiversity.org.nz



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