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Posted 14 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Saturday 21st August

Lake Cameron Care Group are having a planting day tomorrow at 10am to plant 480 native plants gifted from Honda Tree Fund.
Waipa District Council and Environment Waikato are providing lunch and refreshments. Anyone is welcome. Contact Bev Bradley muzbev@xtra.co.nz for details.

Tuesday 24 August

'Creating and designing your newsletter' workshop series for community groups. Numbers limited.
7pm in the Environment Centre. The further 2 evenings are at Wintec.

Click here for more information

Tuesday 31 August

Tour of Shallow Lakes
Landcare Trust Event for Resource Managers looking at issues surrounding our shallow lakes in the Waikato region.

We encourage you to car pool (we can assist with this if required). Feel free to forward this invitation onto anyone else whom may wish to attend.
Please RSVP as indicated on the invitation to Melinda Dresser: melinda.dresser@landcare.org.nz or phone (07) 859 3745.

INVITE Shallow Lakes Tour 31.8.10.pdf

Wednesday 8th September

You are warmly invited to enjoy an evening of Wine and Wetlands at the National Wetland Trust’s 10th AGM.
Waipa District Council, Te Awamutu

See details in attached invitation. All welcome, please forward to your contacts who may be interested and/or print off the invitation for your office notice board.
We welcome Trustees from around the country and have video and phone in conference facilities for meetings to minimise travel costs. Nominations may be made by members to Don.Scarlet@mightyriver.co.nz by close of day Tuesday, 7 September. If you wish to join the National Wetland Trust see our website for membership form: http://www.wetlandtrust.org.nz/aboutus.html

PS Join us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/National-Wetland-Trust-of-New-Zealand/108156912564305

Karen Denyer
Executive Officer
National Wetland Trust, PO Box 177, Pukekohe 2340
021 031 2716

AGM invitation 2010_rt.pdf

Saturday 11th September

Enviro Hui- Pikitu Marae

Organised by Waikato Enviornment Centre. Supported by Trust Waikato

Waste | Water | Land | Caring for our Environment

Para | Awa | Whenua | Kaitiakitanga | Te tiaki i te Taiao/manaakitia mai a Papatuanuku

This workshop is about environmental issues relevant to local iwi and hapu, specifically Pikitu Marae.
We will provide an overview of water quality and waste, hands on monitoring of Mangaorua Stream, a waste audit, making a compost, and some practical solutions on how to manage the environmental issues that are common to all of us. We will also develop a plan of action, and recommend support and potential funders.
We invite community groups in the area that are carrying out environmental projects, local iwi, and other environmental groups. This is a free event with catering provided.

For more details and to register

12th - 19th September CONSERVATION WEEK

DOC have a wonderful website set up especially for Conservation Week. Groups - enter your event -

Adding events
To add events using the online form: http://www.doc.govt.nz/conservation-week-home/register-an-event
Images or documents (e.g. PDF entry forms) accompanying new events should be emailed to events@doc.govt.nz (specifying which event).

Hamilton City Council District Plan Review

Biodiversity hits the District Plan spotlight. Hamilton City Council is lifting the lid on its potential solutions to the city’s most significant issues, distributing a summary flyer to all residents and making it available online from 28 August. The flyer, entitled ‘Snapshot’, takes an easy to read look at how the city hopes to address Hamilton’s most pressing issues, and asks residents their opinion about what Council is thinking so far. Snapshot covers a range of issues, including how the city hopes to ensure future development protects Hamilton’s natural character and is in line with the City’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy. Residents are encouraged find out more and tell Council what they think by visiting www.fastforwardhamilton.co.nz or dropping into their local library for a copy of the full report and discussion document - Big Picture. The period for public comments closes on 29 October 2010. Paula Rolfe Project Manager District Plan Review.

Job Vacancy

Conservation Volunteers - Casual Team Leader Position

A position is available with Conservation Volunteers. The Casual Team Leader is responsible for the safety, welfare and supervision of volunteers on practical conservation projects. Please contact Yuki Fukuda, Catchment Care Programme Manager, Hamilton, Office: 7 859 2401, Mobile: 021 755 226

Email: yfukuda@conservationvolunteers.co.nz and see the website www.conservationvolunteers.co.nz


Biodiversity Contestable Advice and Condition Funds

The funding round is now closed. It is anticipated that the Funds will be open in September 2010 for applications and www.biodiversity.govt.nz/biofunds

Anyone proposing to submit an application, prior discussion with Fund staff is recommended. So if you have any questions or wish to discuss any aspect of your project or proposed application please feel free to call Katrina or Susie on 0800 86 2020.
How to apply You need to familiarise yourself with the Biodiversity Fund Guides and Exclusions for funding. http://www.biodiversity.govt.nz/land/nzbs/pvtland/conditionapps.html


Candidates' evenings that we know about so far:

30 August 10 am Celebrating Age Centre: Ham East Candidate and EW
6 Sept 10 am Celebrating Age Centre: Ham West Candidates and EW
8 Sept 7.30pm HCC Reception Lounge (for Better Transport - good for those with train concerns and other public transport matters)
9th September 7pm Western Community Centre Hyde Ave
14 September 7pm Knox Church Centre Albert St Hm East
15th Sept 7pm Te Runanga... Higgins Rd
16th Sept 7pm Sportsdrome, Pukete
20 th Sept 7pm Hamilton Garden Pavilian (organised by the Environment Centre, so particularly good for sustainability issues)
22nd Sept 7pm Melville Community Centre, Bader St
23 Sept 7pm GRB Hall Temple View


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