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TWO Climate wakeup calls coming up - get out there!!

Posted 15 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Two opportunities to get the message across to the Government before they attend the Climate conference in Copenhagen, December 6 - 18 2009, that we expect action on Climate change.

1. 21st September - NEXT MONDAY - 5.15pm outside the library

Check out the website:  www.avaaz.org
For the local event: http://www.avaaz.org/en/sept21_rsvp/?id=136242

Avaaz members have registered a staggering 1000 events in 88 countries for next Monday's great global climate wake up call!

A thousand events is impressive, but if hundreds of thousands of us come to them on Sept... 21st -- we'll send an historic flood of grass roots messages to world leaders meeting the next day in New York, just in time to revive dangerously flagging climate talks. Click below to RSVP.

Most are very short "flash" events - taking just 5 minutes during our lunch hour or on the way home from work. They're fun, politically powerful, and we can meet other great Avaaz people of all ages and walks of life. No preparation needed -- just come along and bring friends! The planet needs us, let's get together and save it -- click below to find an event nearby:


2. October 24th  International Day of Climate Action     http://www.350.org/
What is the Day of Action?

We're calling on people around the world to organize an action on October 24 incorporating the number 350 at an iconic place in their community, and then upload a photo of their event to 350.org website.

We'll collect these images from around the world and, with your help, deliver them to the media and world leaders. Together, we can show our world and its decision-makers just how big, beautiful, and unified the climate movement really is.

If you are interested in being involved in an action in Hamilton contact the Environment Centre. There is a group already started. Otherwise look on the website and register your own action.

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