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Candidates on Environment & Sustainability: Meet the people, ask your questions

Posted 8 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Nau mai, haere mai! You are warmly invited to come and meet the people standing for election this October.

Where: Hamilton Gardens Pavilion

When:  Two sessions will be held on the following evenings

Monday 12th September
Waikato Regional Council (Hamilton) Candidates and Mayoral Candidates

Wednesday 14th September
Hamilton City Council East and West Ward Candidates

Wednesday 14th September
Hamilton City Council East and West Ward Candidates

Doors will open at 7pm for chatting and refreshments, and we will begin at 7.30pm.

Enquiries: sarah@envirocentre.org.nz


“Crafty folk” to help create a Wetland Discovery Trail

Are you a budding artist? Handy with a paint brush? Clever with design software? The National Wetland Trust are developing a fun, educational discovery trail for families at lovely Lake Rotopiko, just 15 mins south of Hamilton. We need people who can help us with design and creation of some funky activities. Paint some bird feet on our boardwalks for kids to find (print images provided). Draw up an “Eels and ladders” game for us (concepts and technical information provided). Draw some native lizards that we can print onto rotating blocks for a mix and match different animal head, body, tail game. Lots more ideas that need talented people to help us turn them into reality.

They have also got lots of little carpentry/ building type jobs to help install their Discovery Trail activities. They need someone who is handy with a range of tools (and has their own), to put in sign posts, blackboards, rotating wooden block games, and a range of other small building tasks.

Help create a great legacy project for kids of today and tomorrow, and you’ll be working in a beautiful location at a time that suits you.

Please contact Karen from the National Wetland Trust at 07 8230405 or karen.denyer@wetlandtrust.org.n

Forest and Bird walk: Kaniwhaniwha

Sunday 11th September

Join us for a daywalk at Kaniwhaniwha in the Pirongia Forest Park. Leave Hamilton at 9 am to arrive at the carpark at 9.30 at 615 Limeworks Loop Rd - the start of the walk. The walk will take us through native bush up the Blue Bill Stream, past the Kaniwhaniwha Caves, and finish at the tallest recorded native tree in New Zealand - a 66.5m Kahikatea.

Leader Matthew Lillis, 0278084226 Please email: matthew.lillis@gmail.com if you are coming. Anyone wanting to carpool let Matthew know, and we can meet at Dinsdale Countdown carpark at 9am.

Forest and Bird Conservation Week Talk

Thursday 15th September

7.30 Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens

Find out what Waikato Branch is involved with in our district. Neil Fitzgerald will tell us how volunteers can help with a new pest control project at our own Walter Scott Reserve. Plus we will hear about a Hamilton-wide project that Waikato Branch is supporting to control mammalian pests in the urban area.

Bookings for dinner prior to the talk at 6.15 to Jane McLeod by 10th September $12.50 per person, phone 856 2505 jane.mcleod64@gmail.


Organic Gardening Course

Four classes starting 12 October

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