Reading and Understanding Financial Statements with Anne Douglas from Community Waikato
This workshop will assist you in understanding and interpreting your financial statements and reports.
Tuesday 8th July 2014 @ Community Waikato, 33 Victoria St, Hamilton. 9am - 12 noon. $50 for community organisations, $100 for non-community organisations.
Payment must be made one week prior to workshop date. Email for more information.
Free Carpet suitable for outdoor use
Carla at Tamahere has 160 sq metres of carpet that you can pick up. Suitable for outdoors. Ph 07 859 2609
07 859 2609.
Jane Goodall speaks about life's work in Africa
To buy tickets, go to and click on Dunedin (20 June), Wellington (22 June) or Auckland (23 June).
All profits will go to support the chimanzee research and rehabilitation work of the Jane Goodall Institute in Africa. Don't miss her unforgettable story!