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Digital Awareness Week Workshops

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

The University of Waikato has kindly offered community groups the opportunity to attend their workshops in celebration of Digital Awareness Week, starting 3rd September.

The Environment Centre was already planning to run workshops on online media, storage, safety etc, but this great opportunity to learn about some of these issues has presented itself. Please register through the University, not through the Environment Centre. There is no fee.
All groups are using computers for membership databases, searching information, networking and promotion of activities. Come and learn more to help your group.
(If this interests you but you are unable to attend daytime lectures, please register your interest with the Environment Centre by email and we will consider running an evening session/s).

Why should you care about Digital Literacy? Technology is changing at such a pace that it is important that we all keep up.

You need the ability to:

  • protect your personal data from being misused by others.
  • search and evaluate information.
  • help yourself to finding answers to computer problems
  • create and maintain social networks so they promote your group's profile
  • create documents that combine words, graphics, video and audio.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring but if we are not watching we will end up being without a voice. - Digital literacy is a life long journey.

Help me help myself - Finding answers in a digital world

Monday 3 September 10am - 12pm
Main University Library Building (Student Centre) Room 2.23

Helping you to find the answers to your computing questions. Sometimes we are not sure how or where to find the answer in a digital world. This workshop will explore sources and strategies to help you find resolutions more quickly. We’ll look at searching online, re-using our existing skills, knowing what question to ask, and becoming aware of the help and support that already exists.

Social Media

Tuesday 4 September 10am - 12pm
Main University Library Building (Student Centre) Room 2.23

Social Media, Facebook, Twitter and Yammer are some of the many tools people are using to connect with each other. Coming along to this workshop to find out about social media and how it is being used.

Net Safety

Friday 7 September 10am -12pm
Main University Library Building (Student Centre) Room 2.23

Am I safe online? How can I make the most of the Internet without exposing myself to undue risks or worrying about the scare stories in the newspapers? Come to this workshop and begin to understand what the online risks are, and the clues that will help you identify scams and potential online threats.

Note: you will need to register for a place on the workshops.
Click on the registration link - https://sites.google.com/a/waikato.ac.nz/digital-literacy-awareness-week/events



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